Hazon Educational Library: Young Adult

Faith Is Green

Faith is Green

by Hazon and EarthX

Hazon partnered with EarthX to produce episodes on Jewish environmentalism for the Faith is Green series on EarthxTV. This brand new original series details how we can all strive to create a more environmentally sustainable world through observance of Jewish values such as respect, fairness, responsibility, and community.

Episodes were available for free on EarthxTV for a year. The shows are currently unavailable due to international media agreements. Please check back in the future; we will reactivate the links as soon as the shows are available again.

Blessing Our Food Waste

Through the practice of a food waste ritual, we can find deep lessons in how we gather, cook, and scrap food. We visually express those lessons into a “visual blessing” using actual food scraps and stones or other found natural objects. Then, we craft and recite a spoken blessing. Together, this helps us rethink food waste in our homes and communities.

RECYCLING CRAYONS! Running a Crayon Collection to Educate, Recycle/Upcycle Crayons

Through the practice of a food waste ritual, we can find deep lessons in how we gather, cook, and scrap food. We visually express those lessons into a “visual blessing” using actual food scraps and stones or other found natural objects. Then, we craft and recite a spoken blessing. Together, this helps us rethink food waste in our homes and communities.

Perek Shirah In the Woods: Discovering Songs

by Sarah Rockford
Colby College
This activity is designed to take Perek Shirah off the page and onto the trail?using it as a Jewish tool of observation, discovery, and reflection on the natural world.

It?s All About Perspective: What Kind of Spy Are You?

by Sara Just-Michael
Grow Torah
This program is designed to have students deepen their connection with nature by looking at all the details and empowering them to use their positive brain instead of their negative brain. Participants will also have a greater understanding and connection to the story of the Jewish peoples first look into Israel.

Where Does Your Food Come From?

by Stephanie Salem
de Toledo High School
This program will introduce participants to the Jewish brachot over food and educate them about the food supply chain.

Soil Safari – Exploring the Subterra Universe

by Jessica Wolfe
Tamarack Camps
This Tamarack Camps program is an introduction into the wide array of soil types and different life forms that exist in our soil. Participants will have the opportunity to explore different soil types, learn methods of sustainable and organic farming practices and explore the Jewish connection to the soil.

Alef Elul: Jewish New Year for Animals

by Jaclyn Kellner
Coastal Roots Farm
During this program participants will celebrate this holiday through hands-on crafts, a ritual and by learning about heritage breed chickens. The final portion of the program is written here as a panel discussion but can be any type of learning relevant to your organization and audience

Todah-Giving: Garlic Gratitude

by Margot Sands
Ekar Farm
This program reclaims our American holiday of Thanksgiving by transforming it into an opportunity to embrace HaKarat HaTov (recognizing the good, or gratitude) during a quiet time on the Jewish calendar. As the farming season winds down, this program invites participants to transition into a reflective season while literally and figuratively planting gratitude for what the growing season has brought us and what is to come in the next year. Through personal reflection, exploration of the Jewish and growing calendars, and garlic planting, participants will build connections to the earth and Jewish values

Shrinking Our Waste:Solar-Powered Shrinky Dinks

by Margot Sands
Ekar Farm
This program is an interactive introduction to the environmental Jewish value of Bal Tashchit, not destroying or wasting valuable resources. Participants will have the opportunity to explore creative ways we can reduce our carbon footprint by reducing and reusing everyday materials through a solar-oven baked shrinky dink project.

Bitter Waiting and Sweet Reflection: A Rewarding Exercise in Mindfulness – ‘Crafting a new you: served with homemade apple and honey bitters and a twist of intention.’

by Ryan Kaplan
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
This program will help participants become more mindful and centered through modern ritual, meditation, and the creation of delicious cocktail bitters. Participants will learn how to craft their own apple and honey bitters in time for Rosh Hashanah while simultaneously reflecting on their year and starting anew with meditation and mindfulness.

Rosh Chodesh Av: Devastation and Redemption – Rosh Chodesh Women’s gathering for the month of Av

by Sarah Rovin
Pearlstone Center
The month of Av is steeped in rich agricultural, spiritual, and feminine energy. Often the month is not explored beyond the holiday of Tisha B'av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. However, Av represents the importance of reflection, mourning, redemption and love as well as a key moment in the Jewish agricultural calendar, the beginning of the grape harvest. This program aims to connect stories, texts, and symbols to bring together a full understanding of Av.

Bring the Light In: Make your own Chanukah Candles

by Hannah Slipakoff
Jewish Farm School
This program is a hands-on workshop focused on cultivating joyful connections between participants while upholding sentiments of empowerment and spiritual reflection. Emphasizing sustainability, self-care, and political resistance, participants will have the opportunity to share holiday memories, learn about chanukah and other earth-based Jewish winter rituals, and create their very own set of hanukkah candles.