Hazon Educational Library: Spiritual Nature Experience

Guess that Smell

The smell test game is a way to open yourself up to the world of scents. Do you remember a time when you smelled something and it brought you back to another place? It is taught in our tradition that the sense of smell was the least changed after we left the Garden of Eden. What is a smell that reminds you of home? What is a smell that you reminds you of a Jewish holiday?
Age(s): ,

Leaf Rubbing & Collage Art

Nature provides beautiful materials which we can create art with. Together we will create lasting art by making leaf rubbings and leaf art. Know that each leaf is different and beauty can be found in each and every leaf. In our Amidah prayer, we give thanks for the miracles that are with us every day.
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Age(s): ,

Sukkot on the Farm in 20 mins

by Noah Weinberg
Gann Academy
This program is a snappy rotational way for lots of young people to experience the farm.

Ruach: Torah of the Wind

by P Stern Christian
Pearlstone Center
The purpose of this program is for participants to begin to understand wind as an ecological force, and connect that understanding with ruach.

Tu B’shvat Outdoor Adventure

by Molly Sease
Milk and Honey Farm
This is a scavenger hunt style program designed as a celebration of Tu B?shvat, the New Year for the Trees. Through a variety of hands-on activities and exploration, students will connect with the holiday through the lens of contemporary Jewish environmental values and will learn the importance of self-and earth care as a whole.

Mikveh: Jewish Ritual Immersion in Living Waters

by Sarah Julia Seldin
Jewish Farmer Network
This program leads participants in mikveh, Jewish ritual immersion, in a spring-fed stream.

Perek Shirah In the Woods: Discovering Songs

by Sarah Rockford
Colby College
This activity is designed to take Perek Shirah off the page and onto the trail?using it as a Jewish tool of observation, discovery, and reflection on the natural world.


by Noah Weinberg
Gann Academy
This program was created as a way to engage a group of a variety of comfort levels with prayer in an authentic yet accessible farm-based prayer experience.
Age(s): ,

Meditative Kabbalat Shabbat on the Farm

by Liana Rothman
Isabella Freedman
Explore the landscape and tune into your spirituality by engaging with nature and self through song and silence.
Age(s): ,

Home Experience: Elderberry Syrup Buffet

by Chelsea Taxman
Eden Village Camp
Elderberry Syrup Buffet is a hands-on lesson about simple plant medicine making with tangible connections to place and seasons.
Age(s): ,

Bringing the Book Outdoors: The Shema

by Beth Denaburg
This program is a text study with an accompanying nature walk. The text study dives into the environmental teachings within the full text, and the night-time nature walk uses the Shema for inspiration to open our ears to nature and the divine.
Age(s): ,

Shalom Institute Toddler Family Camp: Sukkot Style!

by Allison Blonder
Shalom Institute
Experience the magic of Jewish summer camp with your family! Enjoy action-packed (or leisurely) days and nights to create a lifetime of memories together. Celebrate Shabbat with the JCA community, learn more about Sukkot, enjoy an unplugged weekend in nature, and enjoy activities centered around the values of Kehilla (community) and Shomrei Adamah (keepers of the Earth).

Jewish Medicinall Herb Learning: Flower Essences

by Chelsea Taxman
Eden Village Camp
Flower Essences is a hands-on lesson about plant medicine making for mind and spirit. Participants will learn about the history of flower essences, how it relates to Judaism, and then create their own essence with intention.

Jewish Journey Walk

by Noah Weinberg
Gann Academy
This program was created as a non-traditional/siddur-based Zman Kodesh (sacred/prayer time) option on Shabbatonim or normal school days. The intention is to get students outside, moving/walking and connecting with each other and their environment by sharing their Jewish Journeys.

Post-Pesach Wild Edibles Hike

by Beth Denaburg
This program brings the Biblical story of Pesach into a modern urban nature setting. Participants are encouraged to take on the roles of wandering Israelites recently escaped from Egypt, while also learning about the plants that are safe and good to eat from the natural setting currently surrounding them.