Hakhel Resources

A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.

Inspiration. Tools. Support.

Who Counts? Race and the Jewish Future

by ELI Talk Ilana Kaufman
This powerful video discusses the place of activism in combatting racism
Do you recognize an internalized racist undertone in Jewish philosophy? Where do you see a potential change? What solutions can you propose for the issue described in this video?

The Problem With Our Educational System

by Alan Watts
Revolutionary words for thought. Be prepared killing all darlings...

Makom?s “Tarbut Community in Afula”

Look at this inspiring initiative and see how culture and art can bring people together.
What are your your wildest ideas? What would have happened if you would dare to bring it out and invite your community for a co-creation? Try!

Makom?s Pardes Center in Karmiel

Once we understand the price of comprimising on democracy, we see the need to fight for a new language for our children use to overcome conflicts.

Makom?s Pardes Community

Being a good citizen starts with raising awareness to core questions about yourself, about society.
What are the topics you dare bringing to your younger members? Are there any limits?

Makom?s Pardes Community Visits School in Akko

Get ready to be filled with hopel! Once you stimulate a dialog, even loaded topics can be brought to the surface.
What are the taboos within your community? How would you like to challenge yourself with this topic?

RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms

by Sir Ken Robinson
Every educator know that one system will system not fit all children. It's the biggest challenge of the educator make the system fit the chlid, instead of pther way around. Listen to Sir Ken Robinson. Worth it!
Ask at your team: How innovative are we with children who have different needs?

The Tesla of Eco-Villages by Dana Varinsky, Business Insider

by Dana Varinsky
Making this magnificent construction real, is indeed possible.

2018 Spotlight on Filmmakers Podcast

by Tawai director and subject Bruce Parry
"We train ourselves to reconnect" Bruce Parry.
How do you see the link between interconnectedness and reconnecting with the Planet? When do you feel you touch the core of your connection with yourself and with your enviroment?

Makom?s “Tarbut Community in Afula”

Co-creation is the heart of a community. Check how theater and feminism have formed the cornerstones of this community.
If you would have the chance to create a theater production, what would it be about? What would it look like?

It’s time to reclaim religion

by Sharon Brous
Sharon Brous renews the value of religion. It's fresh, it's brave, it's touching.
What are the feelings regarding religion at your community? Give space to all voices and see what it will bring

An ELI Talk by Karina Zilberman

by Karina Zilberman
"Play is the exhaltation of the possible" said Martin Buber. Where can a leader create such space in the community? What does it take to get beyond the barrier of skepticism? A wonderful talk!
Tell a bit about the 'Let's try it!' voice within yourself. What are the stands in the way for this voice, internally and externally?

Deschooling Ourselves

by Charles Eisenstein
"I am thinking about the new but still living in the old" said Charles Eisenstein. This statement is so relevant to each one of us. Change-makers are asked to deal with this gap time after time. This piece is a useful tool for such a process.

Intentional communities: back to the land

by Talia Lavin , The Forward
Small-Big steps create a whole new meaning is life. This portrait helps you look deeper to what external setting can create within.

Sustainable is Possible: Ma’ikwe Schaub Ludwig at TEDxCarletonCollege

by Ma'ikwe Schaub Ludwig
This wise lady has a point! Sustainability has indeed a bad PR. So what else is out there, that we so need to be aware of, but refuse to open up about? Take some time and watch this TED talk