Topic: Cross-USA Ride


[Cross-USA Ride] Participant Email May 15

We hope you’re getting excited to start your cross-country journe! We are busy with our final month of preparations including finalizing menus and overnight locations, booking evening activities and educational events, ordering our camping and kitchen supplies, and much more. In order to be prepared yourselves, it is imperative that you read through our complete Ride Guide that was mailed to you, and also explore the information for riders on our website and in previous participant emails. (more…)

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[Cross-USA Ride] Participant Email May 2

Dear Rider, We have just five weeks to go before the ride launches from Seattle! If you are flying into Seattle be sure to book your tickets. Plan on arriving at Bastyr University no later then 12:00 PM on Thursday, June 7th. If you are starting at a later time, please see our new travel page. We had the exciting opportunity to drive from Seattle to Minneapolis/St. Paul last week. We got a great glimpse of the routes, the accommodations, and got to meet with some phenomenal members of our host communities, both Jewish and non-Jewish. Take a look at our trip on our blog! We will be using this site to blog throughout the summer. Stay tuned for updates from our encore from the Twin Cities to Washington DC.View more photos from our trip! Prices are rising for registration of all segments this Monday, May 7th! If you have friends who are interested in the trip, encourage them to sign up this weekend. We have added a lot of additional resources to the website, including route updates for each week, travel information, and daily routine details. If you haven’t been in a while, take a look. Happy Riding, Wendy Levine and David Rendsburg […]

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