Hakhel Resources: Vision
A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.
Inspiration. Tools. Support.
Hazon-Seal presentation JICC 2018
Sustainability as a core value demands rising awarness constantly. Here is a useful set for a community discussion. Method, Presentation and practical guideline for a fruitful process.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Kehilah Strategy – Creating a communal way
by Noa Asher Berkeley
Try this visual concept and see how to create clarity for realizing your vision effectivley
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Communal Visioning
by No credit
How can you get the grip of communal values, word them and turn them into a maifest which will lead to practical steps? Here is a useful manual especially for that important purpose.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
The Purpose Of Schooling
by John Taylor Gatto
Do you realize how much power is in the hands of an educator? Impressive piece to digest and put into practice. It's a must watch for every educator.
Another brilliant reason to open a community talk about redefineing education, upon your vision.
Section: Connect via Education
Tags: Vision
RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms
by Sir Ken Robinson
Every educator know that one system will system not fit all children. It's the biggest challenge of the educator make the system fit the chlid, instead of pther way around. Listen to Sir Ken Robinson. Worth it!
Ask at your team: How innovative are we with children who have different needs?
Section: Connect via Education
Words of Experience: Starting a Community
by Kim Scheidt
Either you are a beginner or an expert, this is a good article to refresh your mind with.
Section: Care for Community
Tags: Activities Bank & Year Program, Alliance and Unity, Communal Life, Community Resilience, Decision Making and Management, Democracy - Sociocracy, Intentional Community, Leadership, Newcomers & Community Assembly, Rituals and Celebrations, Soft Skills and Heart-work, Teamwork, Vision, Volunteers
Life Lessons for Community Longevity
by Graham Ellis
So many of the points here are familiar to us all! The wisdom of an expirienced leader can help others avoid some crucial mistakes. Take some time for reading it.
This must-read is not an easy one. Turn it into a public discussion: Divide chapters between members and ask them to read it in a community gathering and lead a talk around the text. Worth the effort!
Section: Care for Community
Makom?s Bnei Akiva Community in Gvanim Beer Sheva
What do you feel when looking at this picture? How would you name this vibe?
Section: Care for Community
Tags: Communal Life, Vision
Moshav planner eyes cohousing for Jews in Berkeley
by Alix Wall, JWeekly
Want to start or join cohousing? Read more here
Section: Care for Community
Jewish cohousing: a vision of intentional neighborhood
by Roger Studley, Sh?ma
Get the glimps of the magical effect communty life, in a cohousing format, has on one's wellbeing.
Section: Care for Community
Lesbian Only Intentional Community Outlast Others: The Ozark Land Holding Association
by Andy Shupe
Once you feel the mission is stronger than your plans, you might find yourself working on a life project which will be meaningful and inspiring for others. Take a look at this uncommon story.
This quote is the guideline of this unique community. Where does it meet your team, your community? All decisions center on a "triangle of interest," taking into account the effect on the individual, the community and the land. "We depend on each other."
Section: Care for Community
Community Leaders
This presentation can help you create a useful working plan and learn you how to communicate it, internally and externally.
Section: Care for Community
Common Denominators of The Communities I Visited
by Michael Livni
Some of our most fundamental milestones appear in this article in such a fluent way, you will want to check it out and let it sink in. A wonderful insight, you will probably start identifying examples in the world around you after you recognise this phenomena.
What is the best way to describe the atmosphere of your shared time and space? Do your fellows feel the same?
Section: Care for Community
An Ecology of Mind, The Gregory Bateson Documentary
by Nora Bateson
Interesting perspective which touches all aspects of our creation.
Section: Be Inspired
Tags: Alliance and Unity, Vision