As we begin approaching Teva’s 25th Anniversary, we will be spending the summer months featuring former Teva Educators who were once Teva students. They are from different Teva seasons and have different stories, experiences and memories. Enjoy the walk down memory lane with us! Jacob Chatinover came to Teva in 2001 as a student with Solomon Schechter West Hartford. He was an educator in the Fall of 2012 and 2015, and the Spring of 2013 and 2014, and a Topsy-Turvy Bus summer educator in 2014 and 2015. In 2015, he was a full-year-round educator, including “Senior Educator” in the fall and planner/Lead Educator of the bus tour that year. Jacob is on his way to Rabbinical School. What do you remember about Teva as a kid? Which moments/memories/stories stand out? I remember the night hike. I remember walking as it started raining. Our Morei Derech (trail educator) asked if anyone knew a blessing to say for the rain, and I at the time was reading the whole siddur. So I brought out tefillat geshem (rain prayer), which is normally for Shmini Atseret, and we said that in English as it rained. I remember Decomposition. I remember praying outside for the […]