Thank you for joining Hazon’s Golden Gate Ride! It’s time to flex your fundraising muscles! This weekend we make your fundraising push. Cycle up that mountain if you will. Fundraising is easier than you think, you just have to get started! Use Hazon’s tools to craft a fundraising plan that will have you reaching your fundraising goal: Don’t reinvent the wheel! Use our fundraising letter writing guide. Start this weekend! Vamp up your fundraising and send your appeal to no less than 40 friends, family, and coworkers. Veteran rider Yesh Ballon shares tricks of the fundraising trade. What are you riding for? Read about the winners of our Mini-Grant Awards [line] Start this Weekend: Raise $1000 in 8 Days The biggest secret to successful fundraising is to ask everyone you know. Think you’ve exhausted your resources? We’ve got a list to help you think of new people to ask. To get a sense of how your whole community can support you in reaching your fundraising goal, consider this recipe for How to Raise $1000 in Eight Days: Donate $50 to yourself Ask 4 family members to donate $50 Ask 10 friends to donate $20 Ask 5 co-workers to donate $20 […]
Topic: Events

Challah Memories: Hazon Food Festival Rocky Mountains
My first memory of challah is the smell of it toasting, and then toasting some more, until my grandpa had burned it enough that he would then stand by the kitchen sink and perform his ritual scraping off of the blackened edges. Grandpa ate challah with breakfast every day, and he burned it every day. He may not have known that burning at least some challah hearkens back to the time of the Temple. The word “challah” refers to a bit of baked dough that Jews gave to the priests as a weekly Sabbath offering. To commemorate the ancient law of setting aside “challah,” some Jews to this day separate a small portion of prebaked dough, which they bless and burn. “Challah” means “offering,” and the sweet bread itself is now also known by that name. Funny enough, I learned that history from a book that spells the bread’s name differently: “The Hallah Book,” by Freda Reider. It’s a book I’ve had since 1988, when I got it at a Hadassah book fair, captivated by its many intriguing, artistic suggestions on the shaping of the bread. Lately I’ve been having fun trying out challah recipes and designs, as I prepare […]
reIMAGINE Society: Behar Happenings in the Bay Area
On the weekend of May 3-4, Jewish communities read the Torah portion of Behar, which contains the teachings of Shmita. To honor the Shmita values of abundance, resiliency, and redistribution, Hazon invites you to join us for a full day of great events on May 5, 2013 in Berkeley and San Francisco, CA. In the spirit of Shmita, we are offering most aspects of this community day on the basis of donations, though some of the workshops may cost money. Please share what you can. Shmita Skillshare & Swap Meet Urban Adamah – 1050 Parker Street, Berkeley, CA Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA Afternoon Exchange Market & Skillshare Exchange Market – 1:00 – 5:00pm Do you have perfectly usable items lying around your house that you no longer use? Let other community members enjoy them, and find other items you need. Clothing, books, toys, childcare items, kitchen appliances, electronics, tools, art, plants/seeds, etc…Donate what you can and receive what you need! If you’d like to make a gift of your time by volunteering before or during the afternoon events, please contact Community Skillshare – 2:00 – 5:00pm Backyard Chickens @ 2pm Worm Composting @ 3pm Come celebrate and explore the art […]

Israel Ride in NYC: With Nigel Savage and David Weisberg
Discover how the Israel Ride can be your next adventure Wednesday, May 8th, 7:30 pm Hosted by Nigel and Liz Savage The Israel Ride: For Yourself. For Israel. For Peace. Meet and hear from: Nigel Savage, Hazon and Israel Ride Founder David Weisberg, CEO of Hazon David Rendsburg, Ride alum and 8-time staff member of the Ride Annie Jacobs, former Program Assistant at the Arava Institute (and current Dairy Apprentice at Isabella Freedman) Arava and Israel Ride alumni They will speak about cycling through Israel, the Middle East’s environmental challenges, and the potential for regional cooperation at the Arava Institute. The Arava Institute Hazon Israel Ride is a weeklong cycling adventure from Jerusalem to Eilat, including 5 fully-supported riding days and a Shabbat rest day. Bring your friends with you | All are welcome at this event!

Patriots’ Day Ride
Patriots’ Day & Boston Marathon Ride April 15th, 7:00 AM Newton, MA Join your friends on this special morning for a great ride in (hopefully) beautiful Spring weather, as the Marathon fans and vendors set up: Meet at 7:00 AM in the Newton Library Parking Lot at the corner of Comm Ave and Homer St and leave about 7:15 Feel free to meet there or along the way Ride the Marathon Route out towards Hopkinton (~19 miles) and back Finish on arrival back in Newton (~19 miles) or continue all the way into Boston (~26 miles) Download a Route Map of the Marathon as a guide Please email Howie Rodenstein, chair of the Arava Institute Hazon Israel Ride, if you are interested.

JCC of Northern Virginia 4th Annual Cycle Fest
May 19, 2013, 8 AM – 12 PM Fairfax Corner 8900 Little Rive Tpke Fairfax, VA 22031 Map Benefitting Wounded Warriors Project and Hazon Riders should be experienced; suggested minimum age is 12. In case of inclement weather (wet roads), rides will be cancelled. For safety, all riders must wear biking helmets. Beginner/Intermediate – 30 miles Intermediate/Advanced – 50 miles Advanced – 65 miles Registration fee includes: Cycle Fest t-shirt Rest stop with tasty treats SAG vehicle support Mechanical support Light food at the end of the ride Free giveaways Fee: $50/ $45 JCCNV member Before May 5: $45/ $40 JCCNV member With special thanks to The Bike Lane, Earl and Jeff Klioze DDS, and Grant Thornton. Contact: Paula Cole | 703-537-3049 |
Hazon in Los Angeles!
Hazon Events in Los Angeles Hazon, the largest Jewish Environmental organization in North America, is landing in L.A. with two upcoming events! First, we’re partnering with Netiya to present an information session about food procurement in Jewish institutions. Then, we’re leading a free training bike ride to help you get outdoors and get in shape. Details for both events are below — we hope you’ll join us! Thursday, April 11th Just Food: Get the 411 on Food Procurement for your Synagogue If you are a part of your Temple’s Green Team, coordinate events, make food purchasing decisions (or know who does), or are just interested in affordable, fresher, more nutritious food that aligns with your Jewish values–come to our panel discussion on April 11th at Temple Isaiah! How we purchase food for events and services is one of the many ways for institutions to express their ethics and values. The Netiya network will share best practices to help us better understand how environment, food workers’ rights, consumers’ health, and small-farmers’ viability all relate to price and convenience. Kosher refreshments and light snacks will be served. Temple Isaiah: 10345 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, 90064 Thursday, April 11th: 7:00PM – 8:30PM […]

Power of Bro: Second Screening
Power of Bro Encore Screening March 14th, 7:00 PM Cinema Arts Centre 423 Park Avenue, Huntington, NY If you weren’t able to attend the first sold-out screening, come see the second showing of this incredibly moving and inspirational film about how the Israel Ride changed two brothers’ lives. The stars, Eyal and Ronen, and the director, Ofer, will be there to share their personal experiences.
Midwest Hazon Tour
The Hazon Cross-USA Ride is an incredible and unique adventure. The Ride starts in Seattle on June 13th and ends in Washington, D.C. on August 16th, with riders joining and ending in various locations. Across the country, the riders and Hazon will be raising money and awareness about sustainability in our country- in both our transportation and food systems. In the next few weeks, Hazon staff will be in your community in the Midwest! Come enjoy cooking classes, Jewish learning, and social events – and hear how Hazon can enable you to make a difference while cycling across America. For more information about any program, contact Join us in: Cleveland | Ann Arbor | Chicago | Columbus | Pittsburgh Cleveland Wednesday, February 20 – Beachwood Mandel JCC Hazon will be visiting the Beachwood Mandel JCC in the morning- come stop by and hear about an incredible Ride! Contact Bonnie Marks at 216 593 6201 for more information Time: 7:30 – 8:30 am Location: JCC Mandel | 26001 S Woodland Rd | Beachwood, OH 44122 Ann Arbor Wednesday, February 20 – University of Michigan Hillel Enjoy free snacks and learn about how sustainability and Judaism go hand-in-hand- and how you can […]
Siach – The Impact of the Israeli Elections on Civil Society and Social Change
The Siach network invitess you to FREE Post-Election Analysis Webinar: THE IMPACT OF THE ISRAELI ELECTIONS ON CIVIL SOCIETY AND SOCIAL CHANGE Are you interested in hearing about… the impact of the election on civil society in Israel changes and emerging trends in Israeli society the future for the third sector in Israel Join us as two experts – Rabbi Michael Melchior and Don Futterman – share their insights on how the changing political map in Israel will impact the future for civil society and society as a whole in Israel. MONDAY January 28 2013 – 9pm Israel (GMT +2); 7pm UK (GMT) 2pm New York (EST) (more…)
Nigel Savage at Ohev Shalom Scholar-In-Residence Weekend
Congregation Ohev Shalom, Wallingford, PA is thrilled to present Nigel Savage, founder of America’s largest Jewish environmental organization, Hazon, as the 2013 Scholar-in-Residence. Throughout the weekend of February 8-10, Mr. Savage will be presenting a series of engaging and thought-provoking lectures around the theme, “Eating Jewishly in the 21st century.” On Sunday morning, the weekend will culminate with a brunch event where Nigel Savage will team with renowned Philadelphia chef, Michael Solomonov, for further conversation. All events are free and open to the public. For more information visit,, and see the link to “Scholar-in-Residence.”
Shmita in Chicago Martin Luther King Jr. Day Weekend

Hazon on GMO Awareness panel in Boulder
Hazon’s Boulder director, Becky O’Brien, joined a panel of local food activists last week for a panel on GMO Awareness at Alfalfa’s Market in Boulder. Moderated by Joel Dyer, editor of Boulder Weekly, the panel also included Shanan Olson of Abbondanza Organic Seeds and Produce, Mary Mulry of FoodWise, and Michael O’Keefe and Mary Von Breck of GMO Free Boulder. Dyer took on the role of Monsanta incarnate and spurred a lively discussion around the concerns of GMOs, the science and history behind them, prospects for the future, current legislative factors, and what individuals can do to empower themselves to eat healthily and safely and get involved with the movement.

Tefillah Retreat — A weekend of Jewish spiritual practice in the Rockies
A weekend for young Jewish adults in the Colorado mountains filled with Fun * Depth * Prayer * Yoga * Hiking * Singing * Drumming * Eating * JOY November 9-11, 2012 Visit for sample schedule, presenter bios, registration, and more! Space is limited. Registration is $90 with scholarships available. Contact the organizers at This is an entirely volunteer-run project, subsidized with generous support from a Limmud learning-inspired grant, an initiative of Rose Community Foundation.
Power of Bro
Power of Bro Documentary comes to Manhattan! “Power of Bro” tells the moving story of brothers Eyal and Ronen Yaari. Without warning, tragedy hits Eyal in the form of Parkinson’s and heart disease. With their lives altered forever, these two brothers hit the road on a tandem bike called Camello, biking on the Hazon Israel Ride, in an epic bid to transform their challenges into personal triumphs. Come see this moving documentary of how these two brothers cycled on a tandem bike on the Israel Ride, see your friends from Hazon, meand enjoy this incredible documentary that will inspire you!! The premier will be followed by a discussion with the Yaari brothers with light refreshments Manhattan Premier Thursday November 29th, 2012 7:00pm 125 Maiden Lane, Suite 8 B, New York, NY Join us for a pre-event dinner with the writer and directors and stars of the film, Ronen and Eyal Yaari 6:00pm Stay tuned for more details and an RSVP! World Premier Is November 29th too far away? Then come to the World Premier of Power of Bro! Thursday November 8, 2012 7:00pm Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington, NY Tickets: RSVP to the event on the Facebook invite: See the […]