Midwest Hazon Tour

The Hazon Cross-USA Ride is an incredible and unique adventure.  The Ride starts in Seattle on June 13th and ends in Washington, D.C. on August 16th, with riders joining and ending in various locations. Across the country, the riders and Hazon will be raising money and awareness about sustainability in our country- in both our transportation and food systems.

In the next few weeks, Hazon staff will be in your community in the Midwest! Come enjoy cooking classes, Jewish learning, and social events – and hear how Hazon can enable you to make a difference while cycling across America.

For more information about any program, contact adrienne.winton@hazon.org

Join us in: Cleveland | Ann Arbor | Chicago | Columbus | Pittsburgh



Wednesday, February 20 – Beachwood Mandel JCC


Hazon will be visiting the Beachwood Mandel JCC in the morning- come stop by and hear about an incredible Ride!

Contact Bonnie Marks at 216 593 6201 for more information

Time: 7:30 – 8:30 am
JCC Mandel | 26001 S Woodland Rd | Beachwood, OH 44122

Ann Arbor

Wednesday, February 20 – University of Michigan Hillel


Enjoy free snacks and learn about how sustainability and Judaism go hand-in-hand- and how you can cycle across the country to support these important values.  Students can learn how they can take sustainable action on their campuses, in the institutions they are involved with, and at home.

Time: 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Location: 1429 Hill Street | Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Wednesday, February 20 – Ann Arbor JCC 

Come enjoy a delicious and local meal! Hazon will be teaching a sustainable cooking class at the Ann Arbor JCC.

Time: 6:30 pm
Location: 2935 Birch Hollow Dr | Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108


Thursday, February 21- University of Chicago Hillel


Jews, Food and Cycling:   Come schmooze and learn more about Hazon and the exciting bike rides we offer over a delicious kosher dinner with UC Hillel students.

Time: 6:00 pm
Location: 5715 S Woodlawn Ave | Chicago, IL 60637

Friday, February 22 – Northwestern Hillel

Bring in Shabbat with a sustainable cooking class and Hazon informational session.

Time: 2:30 pm
Location: 629 Foster St | Evanston, IL 60201

Friday, February 22 – Mishkan Chicago and KAM Isaiah

Enjoy wonderful services at these two Friday night Shabbat services, meet Hazon staff, and learn about how Hazon’s programs can be a resource to you:

Mishkan Chicago: 6:30 – 8pm
KAM Isaiah Israel
: 7:30 – 8:30pm

Sunday, February 24 – North Shore Congregation Israel Purim Carnival

Hazon will be at the NSCI in Glencoe celebrating Purim! Come visit our table! Look for the folks in bicycle costume!

Time: 10 :00 am
Location: 1185 Sheridan Road | Glencoe, IL

Sunday, February 24 – Hyde Park JCC Purim Party

Hazon will be at the Hyde Park JCC celebrating Purim! Come visit our table! We will be dressed in costume.

Time: 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: 5200 S. Hyde Park Blvd. | Chicago, IL 60615


Monday, February 25 – Agudas Achim Cooking Class


Come share in some learning and a healthy, delicious farm to table dish! Join as we hear about how cycling across the country can help create sustainable meals. . .

Gather tips on creating a healthy, sustainable Passover!

RSVP to Amy Palmer at amysmithpalmer@gmail.com

Time: 7:30 pm
Location: 2767 E. Broad Street | Bexley, Ohio 43209


Tuesday, February 26 – J’Burgh Drinks at Mario’s East Side Saloon

Relax, talk with friends, and make some new ones- while hearing about the incredible adventure of the Cross-USA Ride and the food systems you can learn about across the country.

 8 pm
Location: 5442 Walnut St | Pittsburgh, PA 15232

Wednesday, February 27 – Pittsburgh JCC: Squirrel Hill

Hazon will be at the Pittsburgh JCC in Squirrel Hill, ready to help you accomplish your goal of cycling from Pittsburgh to DC…or even across the whole country.

 8:00 – 10:00 am
Location: 5738 Forbes Ave| Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Wednesday, February 27 – Pittsburgh Hillel Hangout at Dunkin’ Donuts

Enjoy brunch, courtesy of Hillel, while discussing the Cross-USA Bike Ride and the sustainable food movement. Riding your bike across the country can have a tremendous impact- on you and the world!

 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Location: 3907 Forbes Avenue | Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Youngstown, OH

Wednesday, February 27 – Ohev Tzedek-Shaarei Torah

Learn with Hazon and the Youngstown Jewish community about sustainability and the Cross-USA Bike Ride. By cycling across the country (or even for a week or a day), you can help advance the Jewish sustainable movement!

 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Location: 5245 Glenwood Ave | Boardman, OH 44512

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