Info Session
 for Wilderness Torah’s B’nai Mitzvah Mentorship Program

Info Session
 for Wilderness Torah’s B’nai Mitzvah Mentorship Program

Free Introductory evening – Meet the Mentors – Learn about B’naiture (begins this fall)!

Monday, September 12th – 7-9 pm at the JCC of the East Bay

Make your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah the adventure of a lifetime with Wilderness Torah’s B’nai Mitzvah Nature Mentorship! B’naiture takes your child on a journey through nature to experience the transition from childhood into adolescence. 

Through immersion camping trips and bi-monthly gatherings, B’naiture weaves nature skills, personal challenge, and non-parental mentorship together with Jewish teachings and story to craft an empowering coming-of-age process.

Separate male and female cohorts honor their unique journeys. A parallel parent group explores how to best support your children at this critical time.

B’naiture supplements traditional B’nai Mitzvah education or serves the independent family journey.

To learn much more, please visit


Full Calendar Next 30 Days

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