While the final 2012 Farm Bill may still be a long ways away, there is lots happening every week!
- This week, on “On the Money,” a blog on finance and the economy featured on TheHill.com, posted an article that discusses the expected release of a draft summary of its 2012 farm bill this Thursday, July 5th. The article goes into detail on many of the potential changes in the farm bill and how they will be effective. The five-year bill would authorize farm subsidies, conservation programs, crop insurance and food stamp spending and is expected to be scored as spending in excess of $900 billion over 10 years. Read more here!
- In an interesting article, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow discusses importance of Farm Bill passing, not only for farmers, but also just as important for small businesses, consumers, and so many people whose jobs depend on the strength of Michigan agriculture. Check out this article here!
- Additionally, 22 organizations signed a letter urging the House Agricultural Committee to reform the sugar policy. Right now as it stands, the sugar program is a major tax on consumers. The 22 organizations hope for a sugar policy that will introduce greater competitiveness and bring down sugar costs. Moreover, consumer advocacy groups argue that the current U.S. sugar policy encourages the use of less expensive high-fructose corn syrup as a sugar substitute, which in turn makes Americans extremely vulnerable to obesity, poor memory, and various other health problems including diabetes and hypertension. For more info, click here!
Take action: Sign the Hazon petition for sustainable food systems.
Further reading:
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