In This Email Tour De Farm? Pikkuah Nefesh in the Wilderness – Saving a Life Cross-USA Ride: You Don’t Want to Miss This The Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit Bike Israel From Top to Bottom Who Attends Siach, an Environment and Social Justice Conversation A Walk Among the Trees Power of One: Honoring a Jewish Women Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
Topic: Newsletters
Hazon sends out weekly newsletters to keep you in the loop on events, updates, great stories, and happenings from our friends! Not receiving our newsletters? Join our mailing list.
[Newsletter] February 15 – CSA Season is Now Open!
In This Email Announcing the Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit CSA Season is Open: Let Food Justice Ring! Prices Increase Monday for the New York Ride and Retreat Prices Increase Tomorrow for the California Ride and Retreat What a Week of Tu B’Shvat Applications Open for 2nd Annual Siach Conference Planting Seeds of Tikkun Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends Not receiving our newsletters? Join our mailing list! (more…)
[Newsletter] February 8 – Trading Laptops for Blacktops
In This Email Trading Laptops for Blacktops Today is Tu, Tu, Tu, Tu B’Shvat! Don’t Miss Out: Prices Rising for Hazon California and New York Rides Pinot & Pomegranate: The Best Tu B’Shvat Party in NYC! The New York Ride and Retreat Returns to Isabella Freedman Applications Open for 2nd Annual Siach Conference Jewish Food Education Ensures our Future Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletter] February 1 – Tu B’Shvat on Your Terms
In This Email Tu B’Shvat on Your Terms New Route for 2012 Israel Ride Pinot & Pomegranate: The Best Tu B’Shvat Party in NYC! A Successful Bike to the Beach in San Francisco Why I Ride: Julia Schlesinger, Cross-USA Rider Ride with Hazon in the 5 Boro Bike Tour Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends Not receiving our emails? Join our mailing list! (more…)
[Newsletter] January 25 – How are YOU getting involved with the Farm Bill?
In This Email How Are YOU Getting Involved with the Farm Bill? Taste of Hazon: A Culinary Celebration of Tu B’Shvat Resources for a Fun, Meaningful Tu B’Shvat Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletter] January 18 – Plan your California Getaway
In This Email Plan your California Getaway to the California Ride Ride to Ocean Beach from Four Points around San Francisco Resources for a Fun, Meaningful Tu B’Shvat Pinot and Pomegranate: The Best Tu B’Shvat Party in NYC Taste of Hazon: A Culinary Celebration of Tu B’Shvat Colorado Food News Chewing on Food Justice: The Farm Bill and You A Jewish Conversation on Social Justice Kosher Weight Loss and Fitness: A Plan for You Hazon Ride Info Night Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletters] January 11 – The Conversation Continues
In This Email The Conversation Continues Cross-USA Ride Spotlight: Minneapolis, MN to Washington, DC Hazon Ride Info Night Tu B’Shvat Begins Sundown February 7, 2012 Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends Urban Adamah Now Accepting 2012 Applications (more…)
[Newsletters] January 4 – Deep Kashrut Resolutions for New Year’s
In This Email Deep Kashrut Resolutions for New Year’s Hazon Ride Info Night Tu B’Shvat Begins Sundown February 7, 2012 Cycling Advice from Hazon Riders Volunteer in a Hazon Office Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletters] December 15 – Taking Bal Tashchit to the Restaurant
In This Email Taking Bal Tashchit to the Restaurant Look Who’s Coming to the New York Ride California Ride & Retreat: Early Bird Registration Ends Sunday! Plan a Healthier and More Sustainable Hanukkah Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletters] December 7 – Ride Across the Country with Hazon
In This Email Ride Across the Country with Hazon Israel on Two Wheels 2012 California Ride & Retreat: Sonoma County to San Francisco Healthy, Sustainable Hanukkah Resources Community-Supported Agriculture: Transforming Your Jewish Community Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletters] November 30 – Student’s Guide to Sustainable Living
In This Email The Jewish Student’s Guide to Sustainable Living Ride for 1, 2, or 3-Week Segments of the 2012 Cross-USA Ride Healthy, Sustainable Hanukkah Resources 2012 California Ride & Retreat: Sonoma County to San Francisco Community-Supported Agriculture: Transforming Your Jewish Community Sign on to the NYC Food and Farm Bill Principles Siach: An Environment and Social Justice Conversation Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletters] November 17 – Talking turkey
In This Email Turkey Talk by Rabbi Marc Soloway Blogged: Arava Institute and Hazon Israel Ride Ride for 1, 2, or 3-Week Segments of the 2012 Cross-USA Ride 2012 California Ride & Retreat: Sonoma County to San Francisco Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends (more…)
[Newsletters] November 9 – Time to Write a Check to Federation
In This Email Time to Write a Check to Federation Ride for 1, 2, or 3-Week Segments of the 2012 Cross-USA Ride 2012 California Ride & Retreat: Sonoma County to San Francisco Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends Time to Write a Check to Federation By Nigel Savage, Executive Director, Hazon Dear All, The period from the end of the Jewish holidays (i.e. now) till the end of December (the end of the tax year) is peak season for non-profits raising money. That’s no less true for Hazon than anyone else: we’re doing important work on a relatively shoe-string budget, and we need your help. Despite that, this email isn’t a request to write us a check: it’s a request that you write one to your local Jewish Federation. That’s especially true if either A. you’ve never written a check to Federation before or B. it’s a few years since you last did so and you got out of the habit. In this email, I want to say why I think this is important, and I especially want to address critiques that are made of the system in relation both to Israel and to issues of diversity, democracy, and […]
[Newsletters] October 26 – Reading Noah in 2011
In This Email Reading Noah in 2011 – Where Do Our Values Really Come From? Learn More About the California Ride and Retreat Grab Life by the Handlebars! 2012 Hazon Cross USA Ride The Hazon Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends Reading Noah in 2011 – Where Do Our Values Really Come From? By Nigel Savage, Executive Director, Hazon Dear All, I’m back from my mini-sabbatical. My time away included riots in England, the European debt crisis, the Occupy movement, the Palestinian application for statehood, the death of Gaddhafi, the release of Gilad Shalit, and, most recently, Manchester United’s catastrophic home defeat to Manchester City. In the Jewish world, JDub, The Curriculum Initiative, and Milestones all announced their closure, at least in their current form. This is an unsettling time. Over the coming weeks I’m going to use these emails to reflect on some of what I’ve been thinking about, as we look back on Hazon’s first dozen years and look forward to the future. For now I want to think about this coming week’s parsha to reflect very straightforwardly (i.e. unromantically and honestly) on how we read the Torah itself. This […]
[Newsletters] October 11 – Food Audit
In This Email Introducing the Hazon Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit Grab Life by the Handlebars! 2012 Hazon Cross USA Ride Setting the Table: A Cooking Class for Expectant Parents How 2011 California Ride Fundraising Dollars Are Working for Change Sukkot: Gleaning and Resources How Do We Measure Sustainability in Our Food? Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends Introducing the Hazon Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit Over the years, many of you have come to Hazon asking “What next?!” You’re alredy doing Jewish Food Education or have started a garden or a CSA What else can you do to change the food at your Jewish institution? Hazon’s New Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit will enable you to: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your institution’s policies and practices for promoting food sustainability and justice. Develop an action plan for improving your institution’s food sustainability and justice policies and practices. Involve your institution in implementing this plan. We’re looking for 5-8 synagogues, Day Schools, JCCs or other Jewish institutions to participate in our pilot season, and at least one staff member or lay person to lead the project at each institution. Please forward this information along […]