Want a bigger taste? Join us this summer at the Hazon Food Conference! Brought to you by Joyce Goldstein On Sunday, April 27, 2014, prolific cookbook author and chef Joyce Goldstein joined Hazon in Palo Alto for the Jewish Food Festival. She shared with us the health benefits of the California Mediterranean diet and took us on a culinary journey of Sephardi recipes, including this recipe for a spring vegetable ragout to feature at your Passover seder. Ingredients 1 lemon 6 large artichokes 2 pounds fava beans, shelled (about 1 generous cup) 2 small heads romaine or butter lettuce 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, or as needed 4 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/2 cup water or vegetable stock, or as needed Gremolata of grated zest of 2 lemons, 6 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley or basil, and 1 tablespoon finely minced garlic 1 pound trimmed asparagus, cut into 2-inch lengths, or 1 cup shelled English peas, optional additions Instructions Fill a large bowl with cold water. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the water. Working with 1 artichoke, remove all the leaves […]
Topic: Food Conference

The Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit and Jewish Identity
A Hazon intern created a video about his experience with the Rocky Mountain Jewish Food Summit and how it impacted his Jewish identity.

Food Conference Round Up
The 6th annual Food Conference begins this Thursday in sunny Davis, California. We wanted to take a moment to pull together all the wonderful things going on in the world in preparation. Daniel Infeld notes the momentum around the food movement and highlights Hazon’s Food Values taken into consideration when planning an event, program, or meeting on The Jew and the Carrot. Nadia Schreiber highlights how trendy DIY shechting has become and where it’s happening. Can the Food Conference take credit for starting this one? (more…)

Food Justice, Food Systems, and Food Policy
An estimated 100 billion pounds of food, enough to totally eliminate hunger, is thrown away annually in the United States. How much of that wasted food comes from Bar and Bat Mitzvahs? Jews are clearly not the only ones responsible for food waste in this country, but an awful lot of Jewish energy goes into tackling issues around hunger, food justice, food access. Perhaps it’s Maimonides’ legacy of tzedakah, perhaps its our Jewish grandmothers encouraging us to eat, or perhaps its because of the calls to look out for the “stranger, the widow and the orphan” that are woven in to the agricultural practices of the Torah and form the foundation for civil society. (more…)

Food Conference Presenter Spotlight: Aaron Gross, Farmed Animal Welfare Advocate and CEO, Farm Forward
Aaron S. Gross, Ph.D. is the CEO of Farm Forward and has played a leadership role in a wide variety of national and international farmed animal welfare campaigns in the Americas, South Asia, and the Middle East since the mid-1990s. Gross also serves as a professor of Jewish Studies at the University of San Diego and co-chairs the American Academy of Religion’s Animals and Religion Consultation. Seeing the need for an organization devoted specifically to creating alternatives to factory farming, Gross founded Farm Forward in 2006. Farm Forward has played a leading role in the promotion of alternative models of poultry production based on heritage genetics and its newsletter, facebook site, and twitter feed are followed by more than 15,000 individauls. John Mackey, Founder and CEO of Whole Foods, hails Farm Forward as “an important force for social change.” Bestselling Novelist Jonathan Safran Foer describes Gross as “a visionary—his founding of Farm Forward will be looked at by future generations as a turning point in the fight to end factory farming.” (more…)

Food Conference Presenter Highlight: Hazon Meets Mazon
Abby Leibman, President & CEO, MAZON Apart from having names that are routinely confused for each other, Hazon and MAZON are on the same page when it comes to food justice and inspiring the Jewish community to work towards healthier and more sustainable communities. We’re thrilled that Abby Leibman, the new President and CEO of MAZON, will be one of our Food Conference presenters this year. MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing and alleviating hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds. “I love that so many teens donate to MAZON as part of their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs,” Ms. Leibman told Hazon recently. “I want to make sure that they understand why their efforts are so important. How is it that we have so many food-insecure people in the wealthiest country in the world? The first steps are finding a way to understand who is hungry in America, the magnitude of the situation and its causes. Then, community organizing and people teaching each other about the causes of hunger can help to bring about meaningful change. This is something I’m really excited to bring to my work at MAZON and my […]
Welcome Letter to the 2010 Hazon Food Conference
Roger Studley Co-Chair, Food Conference West December 24, 2010 Dear Hazon-niks, friends, and fellow Jewish food activists — Roger Studley here, co-chair — along with Rabbi Marc Soloway — of this year’s Hazon Food Conference. I’m thrilled that all of you are here to join in the work of the New Jewish Food Movement. Unfortunately, I’m not able be here myself, but I have a very good excuse ….. a two week-old son! His name is Ezra Meir and he’s absolutely beautiful. My wife Chai and I are in awe and in love, and all three of us are getting used to the new rhythms of our life together at home in nearby Berkeley. Having a child makes the future more real, more immediate. It reminds you forcefully of the absolute necessity of living sustainably on a healthy planet. It makes us ask… Will our child inherit a world in which food policy is driven by corporate greed or by the goals of health and sustainability? Will our child inherit a world in which food is a just distant commodity or one in which it is a source of nourishment and connection with which he is intimately familiar? Will our […]
Hazon Food Conference: Take 2. The Next Step in the Right Direction
Originally posted on Raw-9 January 12, 2011 by Julie Auerbach, 2009 and 2010 Hazon Food Conference Alumna After attending the Hazon Food Conference in Asilomar, CA December of 2009, my life had changed. I became inspired, enlightened, and awe-struck by the amazing New Jewish Food Movement. After last year’s conference, I packed up my bags in Denver, CO., closed my meat business, (the Denver Kosher Shuk), and drove out to Los Angeles, the city I pictured with a large, vibrant, colorful Jewish Community, and a more health conscious environment. I am beyond happy to say, I have found everything I was searching for. Most people like to look at Rosh Hashanah, or New Years as their reference of time, and while I love using Rosh Hashanah as a time for reflection and decision making, I enjoy using the Hazon Food Conference as my marker for direction. For a multitude of reasons, which I will explain further, Hazon has inspired me to dream big, have faith, and believe. Prior to attending my first Hazon Food Conference, my life had taken a turn. I learned I had alopecia, (an auto-immune disease that causes one’s body to have an allergic reaction to their […]