Tag Archives | tikkun olam


Gleaning Days for Community Food Share

Help Pick Corn and Vegetables for People in Need Sunday, September 18th 9:30 AM – Noon Meet at Food Share, 6363 Horizon Lane in Longmont, CO Gleaning is going over a field or area that has just been harvested and gathering by hand any usable parts of the crop that remain. There are several Biblical references for gleaning. (more…)

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Grantee Spotlight: Teva Learning Center

The New York Ride is Hazon’s longest-running program, and will take place for the eleventh time this Labor Day weekend.  Each year, the Ride is an opportunity for Hazon to connect with and support new organizations that are doing work we are excited about, and over the years we’ve been able to support upwards of 80 different organizations.  Just as importantly, the Ride has allowed us to build continued, long-lasting relationships with several organizations that we have been involved with from the very beginning, and whose goals and visions are similar to our own.  There are several organizations that have received grants from the New York Ride for many years, but only the Teva Learning Center has been a grant recipient for every one of the New York Rides, 2001-2011. (more…)

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Grantee Spotlight: Adamah, The Jewish Environmental Fellowship

Proceeds of this year’s New York Ride will provide grants to several organizations and projects that are in line with Hazon’s mission.  Among the major grant recipients is Adamah, which is a program of the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, located in Northern Connecticut. Adamah connects people to their roots, to the land, to community, to Judaism, and to themselves by providing educational programs and products in order to build a more sustainable world. (more…)

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