March Training Ride Schedule

Hazon Training Rides are free, fun rides of varying length and difficulty. We invite anyone to join us – whether you’vee already registered for the California Ride & Retreat, you’re considering joining us in May, or just want to get some exercise with fellow bikers on a Sunday morning!

Training Rides will take place most Sunday mornings between February and May, starting from different central locations in the Bay Area.

Our February training rides were wildly successful; a great big thanks to our superb ride leaders and everyone who participated! Below are February’s routes with maps and cue sheets linked if you were unable to attend or just want to do them again on your own. We’re happy to answer your questions about these routes, help you plan your own routes & training, or get you connected with a training ride mentor.

  1. ‘Round the Richmond; an easy SF ride that’s about 15 miles long with 1,000 feet of climbing (cue sheet)
  2. Bay Trail & Ohlone Greenway; an easy East Bay ride; 22 miles & 400 feet climbing (cue sheet)
  3. Shoreline & Steven’s Creek Trail; an easy Peninsula ride; 19 miles & 300 feet climbing (cue sheet)
  4. North ‘Frisco Loop; another easy SF ride; 19 miles and 1200 feet of climbing (cue sheet)

With February now over we’ve been back in the saddle a while and it’s time to start pushing ourselves to do more miles and more hills. The upcoming Training Rides in March will focus on exactly that. Below is an outline of March’s rides to help you plan ahead and let you know what to expect. If you’re planning to do the 40 or 60 mile route in May, these are an excellent way to get prepared!

  1. March 4th @ 8:30 AM – Three Bears Loop from Orinda BART; a moderate ride in the East Bay; 24 miles & 2400 feet climbing (details below)
  2. March 11th @ 11:30 AM – Stanford Hills Loop; a moderate ride in the Peninsula; 28 miles & 1775 feet climbing
  3. March 18th @ 9:30 AM – Marin Headlands from 16th St. BART; a moderate ride in SF; 30 miles & 2750 feet climbing
  4. March 25th @ 9:30 AM – Redwood Road & Cull Canyon; a moderate ride in the East Bay; 35 miles & 2800 feet climbing

Feel free to put these in your calendar so you don’t forget! For other rides being offered and the most up to date information you can view our calendar at Remember, training rides are offered as FREE, fun group rides that are organized and led by volunteers in the Hazon community and open to everyone. You do not need to be registered for the Hazon California Ride & Retreat on May 10-13, but we’re glad to tell you more about it and we encourage you to register!

Join the Hazon California Training Ride Listserv.

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