Hakhel Resources: Intentional Community
A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.
Inspiration. Tools. Support.
The Great Affluence Fallacy by David Brooks, New York Times
by David Brooks
It's a refreshing one! Just read it.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Opportunity Village: Community For The Homeless
by Originals | msnbc
It is touching, it is hopeful, and goes hand in hand with your communal heart.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Living Energy Farm: An Answer for Climate Change
by Alexis Zeigler
Yes we can! It is possible to fix the world. Read how.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Kehilah Strategy – Creating a communal way
by Noa Asher Berkeley
Try this visual concept and see how to create clarity for realizing your vision effectivley
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Intentional Community at Phillip in Canberra: Disability at The Centre of Neighbourly Relations
by Ewan Gilbert
It's touching, and it's really doable. Grab somr inspiration.
Take the time and ask around: how do you see the possibility of integration in your community? Is there openness for disabled? How much members feel in ease with this issue? This topic is an important prism for community resillience.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Ecovillages Worldwide – Local Solutions for Global Problems
by Leila Dregger
What is an eco-village? And what is the contribution of this constellation to us all? Read this powerful article.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Communal Visioning
by No credit
How can you get the grip of communal values, word them and turn them into a maifest which will lead to practical steps? Here is a useful manual especially for that important purpose.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Climate Crisis, Dystopia, and Community
by Chris Roth
There is so much power in our instinctive belief in the need for change. A community with such devotion is something to read about.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
10 Years Later, Moishe House Remains More Committed Than Ever to the 20-Somethings Building Communities
by David Cygielman, eJP
This world famous project is so successful because of the spirit within. Horizontal leadership, dialogue and inclusivity bring Judaism to the next level. Youngsters take the lead.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
The Cohens: Intentional Community Builders
by Daniel Spiro, Spiritual Fringe blog
Living your passion is not just beautiful, it is powerful as well. This story shows how much power you can gain of insisting on an accurate connection between core faith and the implementaion format of your belief.
Section: Connect via Judaism
Intentional Community
by Leah Josephson
A deeper dive into the origins of the intentional community movement
Section: Connect via Judaism
Intentional Communities
by Aharon Ariel Lavi
Why is it so crucial for us to find meaning in what we are doing? And how can community become the anchor of meaningful existance?
Section: Connect via Judaism
Sustainable is Possible: Ma’ikwe Schaub Ludwig at TEDxCarletonCollege
by Ma'ikwe Schaub Ludwig
This wise lady has a point! Sustainability has indeed a bad PR. So what else is out there, that we so need to be aware of, but refuse to open up about? Take some time and watch this TED talk
Section: Care for Sustainability
Reclaiming ?Redneck? Urbanism: What urban planners can learn from trailer parks
by Nolan Gray, Market Urbanism
Rethinking reality can quickly turn dreams into reallity. Co-housing makes a tight-knit community, this we already know. This article offers an interesting way of making it possible.
Section: Care for Community
Tags: Cohousing, Intentional Community
Boulder Classism Destroys a Co-op
by Christina Gosnell, Daily Camera
A piece every person interested in co-housing should be familar with
Section: Care for Community
Tags: Cohousing, Intentional Community