Torah Learning Inspires Green Congregations

On a recent webinar for JGF Board Fellows (volunteer leaders) from congregations, the Executive Director of Canfei Nesharim, Evonne Marzouk, shared these tips for engaging congregations in learning about environmental responsibility and action:

Identify your goals. Do you want to build community? Make practical changes? Educate? Advocate?

Pace yourself. Build a big enough committee to serve your goals. Or, prioritize goals with the committee you have.
Don’t neglect your committee! Continue to include people who miss a meeting. Continue to add members. Celebrate.

Make it fun. Make it feel possible. Stay positive. Nobody likes a downer environmentalist.

Be open to change. Committees and communities evolve as the program grows. Be willing to evolve with them.

Include and engage the people who already agree with you.

Don’t feel you need to invent the wheel. Use existing tools as appropriate.

Canfei Nesharim ‘s mission is to engage Jews in “sustainable living, inspired by Torah.” Evonne led the webinar participants on a tour of Torah learning materials available on the internet including video, audio, study sheets, ebooks, podcasts, and articles, available from Canfei Nesharim and Jewcology. You will find Hanukkah resources that you can put to good use right now. Share these resources with educators and use them to kick off your next Board or Green Team meeting, prepare a d’var Torah, or write a newsletter article.

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