We will be doing a lot of hill climbing (sorry, it is just the nature of the geography here). Sometimes it seems like you climb all the way to Eilat, but that is not the case. There are some absolutely spectacular downhill runs that make up for all the intermediate climbs. Riding into the Maktesh on Sunday is a real treat (an 1100 foot decent) and another 1100 decent at the end of the day into Ketura…. Definitely highlights that you will remember for a very long time.
Topic: Israel Rider Blog
The Israel Ride – Linking Our Biblical Roots with Ben Gurion’s Vision
The scar under my right knee helps me not forget Sde Boker. On my right arm, the scar that helps me not forget Jerusalem has become very faint. Remembering both is Redemption.
I think I’ll leave my bike in Israel……
My first Israel Ride was in the fall of 2008. I had read about the ride, but was never brave enough to sign up for it. And then one evening I met someone who was riding, and impulsively decided to join him. I was scared out of my mind, certain I would never be able to complete the ride, but too proud to back out.
The Israel Ride – A Transformative Experience
My advice for newbies? Train a lot, but don’t worry about whether you have done enough. You’ll be fine.
New Old Friends on the Israel Ride
By Rabbi Art Gould In my family everyone’s favorite relative was Uncle Sid Goldman (alav ha’shalom), aka Goldie, aka Solid Gold. We would say – because it was true – that you could put Goldie down anywhere in the world and in ten minutes he would have not new friends but old friends. That’s how I feel about the Israel Ride. I first rode in 2008 and by the time we got to Ashkelon I had a number of newly minted old friends. Like Edna Granot from Australia, with whom I always ride the downhill out of Mitzpe Ramon on Sunday morning because we like to take it easy going down that spectacular piece of the route. Or my old friend Paula Reckess who sent us encouraging emails and a promise to procure a bottle of champaign when we were struggling to escape Hurricane Sandy and make it on time for the 2012 ride. We made it and I’ve never tasted a more rewarding glass of champaigne. Especially important to me is my old friend Mousa Diabat, alum of the Arava Institute. Mousa was driving the bike truck out of Mitzpe Ramon the same Sunday morning in 2008. Another of […]
Tips from a veteran Israel Rider
I would like to continue with some of the things I started with and add to the training/preparation ideas I started with. Since the ride is FULLY supported.
The 2013 Israel Ride – A First Timer’s Perspective
Besides this being our first Israel Ride, it will be the first time we have rode in an organized event together – not to mention the fact that we will be traveling to Israel to do so. It will be Beth’s first trip to Israel and it will be my first trip since 1976.
Discovering the Israel Ride
I first heard about the Israel Ride a few years ago from a friend in West Hartford, CT who is a member of our Shul. He mentioned that he was in training for a bike ride from Jerusalem to Eilat. I thought he was meshuga, and didn’t give it a second thought
Back in Israel — for Israel Ride #4!
So here I was, back in Israel after 32 years, trying to get re-oriented to the geography and the culture. The roads were a bit different, but what came back very quickly was the feeling of acceptance by the people around me.
The View from Team Boulder
Having never participated in a group ride before, nor have I ridden on a bike for more than one full day, the Israel Ride required me to do both!