Thank you for filling out the survey. You can download a PDF of the Hazon Tu B’Shvat Haggadah here. You can also purchase a hard copy of the Hazon Tu B’shvat Haggadah in the Hazon education store.
Topic: Resources
Gan Nashim Curriculum Download
Thank you for filling out the survey. You can download of PDF of Gan Nashim here. You can purchase a hard copy of Gan Nashim in the Hazon education store.
Min Ha’Aretz Curriculum Download
Thank you for filling out the survey. You can download a PDF of Min Ha’Aretz here. You can purchase a hard copy of Min Ha’Aretz in the Hazon education store.
Download Home for Dinner Family Learning Labs
Thank you for completing the survey. Click here to download the Home for Dinner Family Learning Labs Guide. You can also purchase a hard copy of this material in the Hazon store.
Download Setting the Table
Thank you for filling out the survey. Click here to download your full copy of Setting the Table. Only want a slice? Download the Recipes Download the Thought Texts Download the tips for Kids in the Kitchen A hard copy of this curriculum can be purchased in the Hazon store.

ReSources You Can ReUse!
For up to date information about political developments related to Sandy recovery and climate change preparedness, useful planning tools, and more, go to the website of the Brooklyn Community Foundation Recovery Resources — Sustainability & Planning. A Stronger, More Resilient New York is the City’s comprehensive plan for everything from coastal protection to healthcare. Contact NYSERDA for information on energy audits and incentives for lighting upgrades and other energy efficiency measures for your facility. Save energy with these practical tips for congregations from the Interfaith Coalition on Energy. Take this list to a Green Team meeting for a great discussion. Not sure how to make your purchasing more environmentally responsible? The Green Schools Buying Guide includes “primers” on cleaners, paper, art supplies, toys, and many other categories. Climate Communication and Behavior Change: A Guide for Practitioners will help you find just the right way to talk about climate change in your community.

With All Your Heart, With All Your Soul, With All Your Might
“With all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might”. This is my mantra. Not because I am a person who davens three times a day reciting this phrase from its original source in the Sh’ma, but simply because I think it’s beautiful. Imagine a world in which we dedicated our whole selves to every mitzvah we preform, every fleeting thought we have. In a gemara in the tractate of Brachot, the Rabbis expound upon each of these segments: “With all your heart” they explain as what Freud might call the “id”—that is the most instinctual, animalistic parts of ourselves, “with all your soul” refers to our actual life, and “with all your might” commonly refers to our physical possessions. I strive preform every action with all my heart, soul, and might whether it’s loving God as the original texts indicates, loving a friend or a stranger as some scholars interpret, doing a project at work, or even something as mundane as grocery shopping (I said strive!). (more…)
Shmita: Weaving Relational Threads
by Yigal Deutscher The tribes of Israel have just gathered together, am echad b’lev echad, one nation with one synchronized heart, in alignment and in unity. They have just stood, in deep humility, in awe, in trepidation, witnessing and receiving a divine gift. They have emerged from the brokenness of slavery; they have traveled through the wilderness for 50 days, only to stand together in this moment, before a mountain covered in fire, topped with thundering clouds, shimmering with lightning, rippling with the sounds of the Shofar. 1o utterances have emerged from the heart of creation; 10 utterances so clear and powerful that the tribes could actually see & feel each of them, as they echoed from the mountain, from the sky, from the ground and rock and sand below their feet, and from within their own beating hearts. (more…)

Holy Use: Relating to Resources Sustainably
When something breaks, the question may arise, repair it, or get rid of it and buy a new one?

Rejuvenating Ourselves and Our Planet
Jewcology is a diverse platform for Jewish environmental activists to learn from each other in order to educate Jewish communities about our responsibility to protect the environment. Hazon is excited to share these resources with you! We promote the interrelatedness of shabbat as a time to reflect on environmental and sustainable ideas through many of our programs and resources. Our Food Guide has kosher sustainable meat options, Greening Your Shabbat Table, Sustainable Kiddush, and all of our Food Programs help you to draw connections between Jewish tradition and contemporary food issues. By Rabbi Yonatan Neril In modern society, we are running, speaking, and thinking at an exceptional rate, and oftentimes we continue all week long without slowing down. Constantly doing, always mobile accessible, habitually multi-tasking. If being too busy is a malady of modern man, slowing down on Shabbat may be a key remedy. The Torah teaches, “These are the things that the Divine commanded to make. Six days work may be done, but on the seventh day you shall have sanctity, a day of complete rest to G-d…” Achieving sanctity and complete rest is the stated goal of Shabbat. Yet how can this happen? (more…)

The Farm Bill: Live in Action
Work to pass the next Farm Bill is happening now. Nigel Savage, Executive Director of Hazon, believes it is important for you to act.

Healthy, Sustainable Tu B’Shvat Resources – 2012 Edition
Tips for hosting a sustainable seder, finding sustainable seven species options, and partaking in environmentally-friendly Tu B’Shvat themed activities.