Have more fun and reduce waste on Purim with a costume swap. Or cut down on unhealthy eating by sending your friends carbon offsets for mishloach manot (gifts of food) instead of cookies and candy. You can offset with the Good Energy Initiative in Israel which helps low income Israelis replace water heaters powered by polluting kerosene with solar heaters. For more Purim tips go to Canfei Nesharim.
Thinking even farther ahead, this year Earth Day falls on the 8th day of Passover, April 22, 2014. Celebrate appropriately with sustainability tips from Hazon, and resources from the Earth Day Network. Fair Trade Judaica, Equal Exchange, and T’ruah are collaborating to bring you fair trade, kosher for Passover, chocolate. Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore sold out on fair trade Hannukah gelt this year.
We are always looking for resources on organizational change that can help green leaders. Recently the JGF Fellows read John Kotter’s, Our Iceberg is Melting. This is a short book that addresses the steps in the change process. Read it together with your Green Team.
Shira Kline, Jewish educator and performer, brings eco-music to a new generation with her CD: Earth Worm Disco. At a recent JGF Training Day we were entranced by the way Shira combines music, storytelling, imaginative play, and spirituality. You can bring her to your organization for a concert.
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