Tu B’Shvat , the Jewish Earth Day, is on January 16, 2014. Plan a Tu B’Shvat Seder with resources from Hazon and Canfei Nesharim. Looking for other ideas? Check our Updates to learn how JGF organizations have celebrated Tu B’Shvat in the past.
Shawn Shafner, founder of the POOP Project, has a trove of stories, texts, pedagogy, art, and activities to share with adults and children that transform participants from “waste”-making consumers into resource-conscious creators. We loved his presentation on the Asher Yatzar, the prayer for going to the bathroom.
Bash the Trash builds, performs, and educates, with musical instruments made from recycled materials. They put on an astounding performance while demonstrating the value of what we consider to be waste.
Arrange your own Environmental Justice Tour by contacting WEACT or an environmental justice organization in your community. To find environmental justice organizations, check the website of the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance and Environmental Justice for All.
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