Hazon Joins NSAC: Update and Action

Hazon is now an allied member of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. As a coalition member, Hazon joins a diverse range of organizations in supporting food and farm policies that build a healthier and more sustainable world.

NSAC members rely on the coalition’s expert staff on Capitol Hill to let us know when and how we can be most effective advocates so that we can each focus on what we do best. The Stone Barns Center can focus on farmer-driven cuisine; The Humane Society can focus on animal rescue; The Practical Farmers of Iowa can focus on farmer-led conservation research; and Hazon can focus on renewing Jewish life via the land – all while being in relationship with the representatives and policies that affect our work in every imaginable way.

The recommendations you find in our Food and Farm Policy Updates and Action Alerts here on the blog will largely be informed by the recommendations of our partners at The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. We are grateful to live in a world where, despite the steep difficulties we face, diverse groups of motivated individuals join together in solidarity to build on one another’s strengths and to create the world we know is possible.


Proposed Relocation of Federal Ag Research Agencies

The USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) is moving ahead with a proposal to move two important research agencies out of Washington, D.C. Hazon stands opposed to such a move along with other members of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition as it would weaken the scientific rigor and independence of the agencies and would isolate policy debates from research. Learn more here.


Oppose Relocation of Important Federal Agricultural Research Agencies


Hi! My name is [NAME], and I’m calling from _________. I’m calling because I want [Senator or Congressperson] to oppose the relocation of the USDA’s core research agencies – the Economic Research Service (ERS) and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Doing so would weaken the agencies at a time when we need strong scientific voices in Washington to find crucial solutions to the challenges faced by our food system. Thank you.


Senator – (202) 224-3121

A switchboard operator or machine will connect you directly with the Senate office you request by the senator’s name or zip code. You have two senators so call back and ask for the other after you do your first call.


Congressperson – (202) 224-3121

A switchboard operator or machine will connect you directly with the congressional office you request by the Representative’s name or zip code. You only have one house representative so you only need to call once.

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