[Cross-USA Ride] Welcome to the Cross-USA Ride!


Welcome to the Cross-USA Ride!

We’re excited to see you in just a few months!

[Image: Hazon Logo]You are about to embark on an experience of a lifetime! Regardless of the length of your trip, from 1 week to 5 weeks to the full 10 weeks, you are going to see the country in an entirely new way.

We will be emailing you with updates, logistical information, and training tips about twice a month until the Ride begins, so keep a lookout for them.

If you have any questions about the Ride, feel free to contact me at wendy.levine@hazon.org or 212 644 2332 x332.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

-Wendy Levine

Ride Details and Resources

We are always updating information on our website with details about the Ride. Check out the Important Links to the right for more information about key components of your ride experience.

Help Spread the Word

[Image: Hazon Logo]What was it that made you register? What conversation spured you on, what thought went through your head that said, “I want to cycle the country?” We want to hear from you so that we can share your story with other Hazon participants, your neighbors, co-workers, friends and anyone else who would be excited to hear your story! Please send us your story, post your reasons on Facebook (and tag us), or talk about why you signed up at your synagogue, Hillel or at a community event.

The ride is going to be amazing, but it will be so much better if you bring along your friends, your family, or people from your community. Our Rides rely mostly on word of mouth promotion. If you would like resources to get the word out, please email me.

Facebook and Social Media

Join our Hazon’s Cross-USA Facebook group! Meet your fellow Cross-USA Ride participants, post how training is going for you, share training tips with other riders, fundraising ideas and if you live close, schedule times to train with other Cross-USA Ride cyclists.

We also invite you to follow us on Twitter! Hear about new places booked, great places we are going and opportunities in each community.

During the ride, we will be using Facebook, Twitter, and the Hazon blog to update everyone from the road. We hope to start using these tools soon so we can spread the word about the Ride.

Get Started Fundraising

[Image: Hazon Logo]If you have not yet started your personal fundraising campaign, there no time like the present.

If you haven’t fundraised in the past, you may be wondering how to start. The simplest thing to remember is that people won’t donate if they aren’t asked.  Therefore, the first thing to do is create a list of everyone you know. Your co-workers, friends, family, hairdresser, car mechanic, biking friends, neighbors, or anyone else you associate with.  Email each person:

  • Why you are riding – what makes you passionate about this trip.
  • Why Hazon is riding – more details are online, but in short the ride is supporting sustainable food systems, and will be educating communities along the route about these issues.
  • What Hazon is and why you are passionate about the work of Hazon.
  • How much you would appreciate any donation from your family and friends.

Your personal online fundraising page has already been created. Your friends, family, and co-workers (and anyone else) can donate online using their credit card to support your ride, and read a personal note from you about your ride. Learn about all of the helpful ways that you can use our web platform to customize your personal webpage, generate email solicitations, input donations, and track your donors.

Once you’ve got your page up, follow this link for more fundraising tips, or contact wendy.levine@hazon.org for additional support.



[Image: Photo Alt]In preparing for a multi-day ride, it is critical that you train at the appropriate level for you. It should be challenging and geared toward improvement, but not overwhelming, considering your current fitness level and your personal cycling history. 

The first thing to do is to map out a plan – set your goals, thinking about how much time you have to train and what routes you can ride. Make sure your goals are achievable and monitor them as the ride approaches.

Of course, you should also be sure to tune up your bike, and be sure that you have an appropriate bike for this ride. You can learn more about bikes and equipment online.

Check out these training tips and stay tuned for more!

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