Heirloom Tomatoes from Pushing the Envelope Farm. We'll be riding through at peak harvest time!
July 13th – August 16th
The Cross-USA Ride is just four months away. Can’t do the full 10 weeks? Meet the Cross-USA riders halfway through their journey and ride with them to the finish line.
On your five-week ride, you will:
- Travel the the Sparta Trail, the Bugline Trail, the Glacial Drumlin Trail and the Great Allegheny Passage: four stunning car-free bike paths
- Meet goats and chickens and harvest tomatoes at Pushing the Envelope Farm in Geneva, IL
- Visit Falling Waters, Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous home, in Ohiopyle, OH
- Ride a victory loop down the Mall in Washington, DC to finish your ride
Follow this link for more information. Shorter segments available. Grab life by the handlebars!
Hazon ride info night – January 23, 2012, New York City – join us!
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