[Cross-USA Ride] Recap – Week 7 From Madison to Chicago

Last week, the ride began in Madison, WI and ends in Chicago, IL for tours of Jewish Farms, Shabbat, and Tisha B’Av. See the itinerary.

This week, the riders make stops in Indianapolis and travel to Ohio to spend Shabbat in Dayton. See the itinerary.

Highlights, live from the road:
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Visiting Sweet Water Organics Dick Goldberg from Milwaukee is over 80 and still rides his bike Riders say goodbye to River Hills, WI and wave goodbye to their host families
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Visting the B’Hai Temple in Wilmette, IL Riders run into the MIT Solar Car Racing Team outside Madison Breakfast at OSRUI, URJ’s flagship summer camp

See more photos and video from the ride as it happens.


Day 46 of 68
12 Riders and 5 Staff currently on the road. 7 riders join on Sunday.
$104,397 Raised to Date

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