A Star(ter) is Born!

By Mordechai Schram, Director of Adamah Food Services

Last night in the Isabella Freedman kitchen we began the first of a series of master chef classes for our kitchen. This first one was about learning how to make sourdough bread and we were fortunate enough learn from our very own Arielle Aronoff. In addition to being a Teva educator and “winternik” she is also an accomplished baker with a passion for sourdough. Sourdough bread made with a starter of wild yeast and bacteria, and combined with grain flour is the oldest and most original form of leavened bread. It truly is an ancient art that is crafted in harmony with nature.

The sourdough process breaks down the wheat to help your digestive system; enhances the vitamin content inherent in the food; produces probiotics and enzymes; and keeps your blood sugar levels more even. And it’s delicious!!! This is something that is so aligned with our food values and aesthetic at Hazon/Isabella Freedman, and is a natural extension of what we do in the CC with our vegetable ferments. We are developing 3 different types of starter which takes about 2 weeks to fully develop. One that is only stirred, one that is stirred and fed and one using raisin water. We’ll keep you posted as we begin this amazing bread journey and we look forward to serving delicious sourdough bread soon at Isabella Freedman.

IF kitchen sourdough

Featured in picture: Mordy Schram, Tim Hemenway, Rachel Crane, Rich Whitaker, Arielle Aronoff and Gabi Maimon with our young sourdough starters.

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