Portland Tuv Ha’Aretz Presents: Why Should You Care About the Farm Bill?

Every five years, Congress reauthorizes the Farm Bill. The name of the bill is misleading, as it impacts not just farmers, but everyone who eats. That’s all of us.

Portland Tuv Ha’Aretz (a Hazon CSA)
presents a free Farm Bill Teach-In
Wednesday, August 8th
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
at a private home in the Hollywood District, Portland, OR

Come learn more about the Farm Bill and how its policies impact your daily food choices. Nancy Becker, food and nutrition advocate, will give an overview of the Farm Bill and how it affects all citizens, farmers and eaters alike. Nancy, a registered dietician and chair of the Oregon Nutrition Policy Alliance, has been advocating for stronger nutrition and anti-hunger policies for many years.


Please note: this event is free and open to all, but RSVPs are required due to space limitations. If you have questions or to RSVP by August 6th, email csa@portlandtuv.org. Once you have RSVP’d, the address will be sent to you.


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