Head down to the Urban Adamah farm in Berkeley for ‘Eat Pray Lulav,’ a Sukkot Harvest Festival, on Sunday, October 7, from 2-6pm for a family event featuring live musical performances, goats, storytelling, cob stove building, a Really Local Tea Bar, Farm tours, face painting…and much more! (more…)
Topic: Sukkot
Sukkah Bike Hop
Join your friends in Colorado for the annual Sukkah Bike Hop! Sunday, October 7 beginning and ending at Chabad NW of Metro Denver (more…)
Wilderness Torah’s Sukkot on the Farm 2012
Reconnect to your roots this Sukkot with Wilderness Torah! October 4-8, 2012 Green Oaks Creek Farm Pescadero, CA Sukkot on the Farm 2012 Registration is Open! Celebrate the Harvest • Honor the Waters • Sleep Under the Stars Wilderness Torah invites you to gather in a multi-generational community for the sixth annual Sukkot on the Farm Festival – a four-night camp out and celebration of the fall harvest at Green Oaks Creek Farm in Pescadero, CA. (more…)
Care to Share Gathers Over One Ton of Food
Originally posted in UJA Federation’s news. Try to picture 3.3 million grains of rice. If that’s too challenging, you could also visualize 200,000 grapes, 35,000 eggs, 4,000 pomegranates, 440 watermelons, or 220 pumpkins. Each of these quantities of food weighs a solid ton, which is the amount of fresh produce collected during UJA-Federation’s first annual Care to Share fresh food drive in conjunction with Met Council, Hazon, and AmeriCorps. (more…)

Minyan Na’aleh in the Denver Post
Hazon in Colorado partnered with several other local organizations to hold a wonderful sukkot event for young families on a local organic farm. The kids harvested their own gourds, learned about the sukkot-water connection, took a hay ride, made sukkah decorations and shook the lulav. Read more about the event in the Longmont Times-Call.

Closed for Sukkot
The Hazon offices will be closed through October 21st for the holiday of Sukkot. Staff will return to the office on Monday, October 24th. We’d like to wish everyone a chag sameach and happy holiday. Please check out our Healthy, Sustainable Sukkot Resources. What’s Sukkot? MyJewishLearning.com has a Sukkot 101 that covers the basics. If you live in New York City, Westchester, or Long Island, we invite you to learn about Care to Share, our first annual citywide and volunteer fresh produce drive running through October 18th (The Jew and the Carrot has a few words about Care to Share, too). Check out Repair the World’s Sukkot round-up of blog post about “homelessness, poverty and hunger, as well as sustainable agriculture and the environment.” Read Pursue’s round up of resources to “help raise your awareness of the justice issues associated with Sukkot.” The Jew and the Carrot discusses “a few reasons why it is especially important to eat locally and sustainably during Sukkot” and has a complete menu for a meatless Sukkot feast. How are you making your Sukkot more healthy and sustainable? Share your tips in the comments below! Photo by Flavio@Flickr, licensed under Creative Commons.

Sukkot Mishpacha
October 11, 4-6 PM Red Wagon Organic Farm, 7694 N 63rd St, Longmont, CO $10 for children, adults are free. Celebrate the harvest festival of Sukkot at Red Wagon Organic Farm. We will enjoy a hay ride and will learn about Sukkot with Rabbi Rose from Congregation Har HaShem. We will also make a special project and then meet for a Sukkot celebration and picnic dinner. Please pack dinner for your family and bring a can or box of food to donate to EFAA (Emergency Family Assistance Association)! (more…)

Care to Share
UJA-Federation of New York — in collaboration with Met Council, AmeriCorps, and Hazon — invite you to participate in our first annual Care to Share citywide and volunteer fresh produce drive. Care to Share will take place from Monday, October 3 – Tuesday, October 18, 2011, encouraging volunteers to symbolically fulfill the Jewish custom of gleaning, a custom tied to the harvest season and the Sukkot period. Traditionally, farmers leave the four corners of their fields unharvested so the needy can glean from the fields with dignity. (more…)

Sukkot Fall Harvest Festival at Ekar Farm
October 16th, 12:30-3pm 6825 E. Alameda, Denver, CO FREE ! Pumpkin Picking, Farm Tours, Live Music, Vegetarian Potluck, Sukkah Decorating, Apple Pie Contest, and many Family Fun Activities sponsored by Wacky Apple (more…)