Hazon Educational Library: Natural

Veggie Prints Postcards

Instead of buying stamps made of plastic or styrofoam, use the unique and natural patterns found in nature to create beautiful art to send to friends and family. If this activity is being run in close proximity to a Jewish holiday, postcards can be framed specifically for these occasions. For example, use oranges, apricots and figs around Tu B'Shvat, use apples for Rosh HaShanah, and use a lulav and etrog after Sukkot.
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Tie-Dye and Tekhelet

by Stephanie Salem
de Toledo High School
This program introduces participants to natural tie dyes, introduces the concept of tchelet, and is meant to help participants enhance their observation skills by considering what natural materials could lend themselves to different colored dyes.

Divine Dyeing: How to harness the holiness of color through natural dyeing

by Mira Menyuk
Pearlstone Center
This program is an interactive color exploration through natural dyeing. Participants will learn about the symbolism and holiness associated with certain colors in Judaism, specifically the blue of tekhelet that is found in Tzitzit. They will also learn how to harvest and use different parts of plants to create their own dye and take home a self-dyed bookmark.