In This Email
- Introducing the Hazon Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit
- Grab Life by the Handlebars! 2012 Hazon Cross USA Ride
- Setting the Table: A Cooking Class for Expectant Parents
- How 2011 California Ride Fundraising Dollars Are Working for Change
- Sukkot: Gleaning and Resources
- How Do We Measure Sustainability in Our Food?
- Local Events and Features from our Partners and Friends
Introducing the Hazon Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit
Over the years, many of you have come to Hazon asking “What next?!” You’re alredy doing Jewish Food Education or have started a garden or a CSA What else can you do to change the food at your Jewish institution?
Hazon’s New Food Guide and Food Audit Toolkit will enable you to:
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your institution’s policies and practices for promoting food sustainability and justice.
- Develop an action plan for improving your institution’s food sustainability and justice policies and practices.
- Involve your institution in implementing this plan.
We’re looking for 5-8 synagogues, Day Schools, JCCs or other Jewish institutions to participate in our pilot season, and at least one staff member or lay person to lead the project at each institution. Please forward this information along to folks at your institution who may be interested.
The 6-month pilot season includes a training webinar every other month, support from Hazon as you use the Audit to identify next steps for your institution, and a pilot group listserv. The first webinar is on Food Day, October 24th at 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST.
Learn more or contact Anna Hanau at 212-644-2332 x307 or
2012 Hazon Cross USA Ride
June 7, 2012 – August 16, 2012
Seattle, WA to Washington, DC
- 72 days, 3600 miles, 70 miles per day
- Crew transports ride gear and luggage
- Meals are included, kosher and often vegetarian (always a vegetarian option)
More Information and Application
Information Sessions Near You
Learn more about the 2012 Hazon Cross USA Ride as the ride’s director, Wendy Levine, travels around the country this October and November to speak to potential riders. We ask that you RSVP if you’re planning on attending.
A cooking class for expectant parents and parents of young children
Learn how to cook fresh, seasonal, and delicious meals
for you and your family- Connect with other young Jewish families living in Brownstone Brooklyn
- Nurture your family through food and Jewish tradition
- Prepare food to freeze and eat on a hectic evening
Thursday Evenings 6:30-9:30 PM
Congregation Beth Elohim, 8th Avenue and Garfield Place, Brooklyn, NY
Fall Series: November 3, 10, 16, December 1
Winter Series: December 8, 15, 22, 29
How 2011 California Ride Fundraising Dollars Are Working for Change
We’re excited to share with you how grant recipients from the 2011 California Ride and Retreat have been making progress towards fulfilling their proposals. Organizations such as 7SEEDS Project, EcoJews of the Bay, Milken Community High School, Jewish Community High School of the Bay, and Urban Adamah are all making great strides towards their goals.
We’ve got a brief reminder of who the organizations are and what they’ve been up to.
How Do We Measure Sustainability in Our Food?
By Hannah Lee
Originally posted on The Jew and the Carrot
While attending the Hazon Food Conference at the University of California, Davis campus, I had the pleasure of leading a table at the Community-Wide Beit Midrash (house of study) program on Saturday morning. Sitting at separate tables in the large room, I was one of two people who lead sessions on non-Jewish rather than Jewish texts. The noise level was high but the energy level was fierce. My role was as facilitator, not lecturer, and I found it timely to present a topic inspired by a post in, which referenced a TED presentation by Frederick Kaufman called “The Measure of All Things.”
Continue reading “How Do We Measure Sustainability in Our Food” on The Jew and the Carrot…
Write for the Jew and the Carrot
Join the team that brings the best reporting and personal stories on Jews, food, and contemporary life to your computer screen every day. The Jew and the Carrot is looking for volunteer writers who will be committed to bringing our readers exciting stories from the New Jewish Food Movement and beyond. If you would like to join our writing team, please email
Sukkot: Gleaning and Resources
UJA-Federation of New York — in collaboration with Met Council, AmeriCorps, and Hazon — invite you to participate in our first annual Care to Share citywide and volunteer fresh produce drive in New York City’s 5 Boroughs, Long Island, and Westchester.
Care to Share takes place through Tuesday, October 18, 2011. We are encouraging volunteers to symbolically fulfill the Jewish custom of gleaning, a custom tied to the harvest season and the Sukkot period. Jewish tradition teaches farmers to leave the four corners of their fields unharvested so the needy can glean from the fields with dignity. Care to share is one way that we can participate in this mitzvah today.
Continue reading about “Care to Share”
Healthy and Sustainable Sukkot Resources
The Jewish holiday of Sukkot celebrates the Fall Harvest. We are told to sleep, eat, and relax outdoors in our sukkah. On this holiday that is all about the environment, we should be more mindful of the impact that our celebrations have on the world around us.
We’ve got some ideas for making your sukkot healthy and sustainable.
Now accepting applications for Spring and Summer of 2012
A program of Hazon’s partners
Urban Adamah is a three-month residential leadership-training program for young adults that integrates urban organic farming, social justice work and progressive Jewish living and learning. Fellows operate an organic farm and educational center in Berkeley, CA, while interning with community-based social justice organizations addressing issues at the intersection of poverty, food security and environmental stewardship. The Urban Adamah curriculum is designed to equip fellows with the tools to become agents of positive change in their own lives and in their communities.
Spring Fellowship: March 4 – May 27, 2012
Summer Fellowship: June 3 – August 26, 2012
Admission to Urban Adamah is rolling. Visit the Urban Adamah website to learn more and download an application.
Co-sponsored by Hazon
We are delighted to announce that this year the second Global Day of Jewish Learning will take place on Sunday, November 13th. The Global Day of Jewish Learning unites Jewish communities around the globe to celebrate our foundational Jewish texts through community based learning. Last year’s inaugural event celebrated the completion of the Steinsaltz Talmud and counted over 400 communities in 48 countries and on six continents – clear evidence of the importance that Jews everywhere place on the shared experience of study.
Sunday, November 13, 2011,
Time: 1 PM – 4 PM
Mechon Hadar, 190 Amsterdam at 69th St., New York, NY
Format: 3 sessions of 50 minute classes, Parallel classes
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