[Newsletter] September 15 – Cross USA Ride

2012 Hazon Cross USA Ride

Grab Life by the Handlebars!

What are YOU doing next summer? Cross the United States by bike with Hazon! Experience seeing the mountains of Montana, the fields and farms of South Dakota, and the rolling hills of Pennsylvania.

Join Hazon on an unforgettable 3,600 mile journey, cycling from Seattle to DC.

“By the end of the summer, I’d lost 35 pounds, discovered God and spirituality, became an environmentalist, made great friends, and learned that I can do anything I set my mind to doing, no matter how far-fetched it may seem.”
Ilan Glazer, Cross USA Ride Participant, Summer 2000

[IMG Photo Alt]June 7, 2012 – August 16, 2012
Seattle, WA to Washington, DC

  • 72 days, 53 cycling days, 9 Shabbat rest days, 5 service days
  • Average of 70 miles per day (approximately 4 to 8 hours of riding each day)
  • Semi-supported tour – crew transports ride gear and luggage
  • Experienced and knowledgeable tour support team
  • Camping accommodations for most of the program
  • Learn and volunteer while you travel through 13 states
  • Eat healthful, organic and local food (whenever possible). All meals on the Cross USA Ride will be kosher.

Not up for the full 10 weeks? Information about segments (portions of the ride) will be available in the fall.

More Information and Application


Taste the Sustainable Flavors of Israel

By Dr. Jeremy Benstein

Originally posted on The Jew and the Carrot

[IMG Food Tour]When you think of food – what comes to mind? Usually we think of tastes, smells – the sensual experiences of eating. If we dig a little deeper, we’ll get to issues of producing food (growing, raising, processing…) and preparing it – buying, cooking. If we really “unpack” the idea – we’ll think about the lack of it – hunger – and all the different social, economic, environmental, and political issues that are embedded in our food system that makes it the way it is…

Continue reading “Taste the Sustainable Flavors of Israel” on The Jew and the Carrot…

Cycle from Jerusalem to Eilat

The Arava Institute and Hazon Israel Ride

November 8-15, 2011

  • [IMG Photo Alt]Ride through Biblical landscapes
  • Swim in the Mediterranean Sea
    and the Red Sea
  • Cross the Negev Desert
  • Visit Israeli cities, towns,
    and kibbutzim

More Information and Registration

A Closer Look at the 2012 Farm

By Aliza R. Wasserman

Original posted on The Jew and the Carrot

[IMG Photo Alt]While headlines about the Farm Bill focus on the role of commodity subsidies in creating the ubiquity of processed foods in the U.S. (and increasingly in the global) food system, on the final day of the 2011 Hazon Food Conference, some of the most passionate and committed members of what some are calling the “new Jewish food movement” got a deeper look at the details of the policy landscape that shapes the way the U.S. food system functions and influences the rest of the globe…

Continue reading “A Closer Look at the 2012 Farm Bill” on The Jew and the Carrot…

3rd Annual Hazon California Ride & Retreat

4 Days – 2 Wheels – 1 Community

[IMG Photo Alt]May 10 – 13, 2012

Learn more about the Ride and register TODAY!
$199 for a limited time

More Information and Registration

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