Here’s what you can do this Tu b’Shvat

From Nigel Savage

Dear All,

Tu b’Shvat, the Jewish celebration of trees, is observed this Friday night (February 10th) and Saturday (February 11th). This holiday offers us a midwinter moment to take stock of our relationship with Jewish tradition, the natural world, and one another – a process we need this year more than ever.

When the Torah describes Jewish tradition as the “tree of life” it is saying not merely that trees in themselves are important but that they are a profound metaphor for the goodness of human civilization on this planet. Our Torah is a “tree of life” because, just as trees grow and flourish and nourish us, so too we hope that Jewish tradition and the Jewish people will grow and flourish and nourish the world.

And this is a year in which we all need to step up so that these are not merely words.

At Hazon, we’re striving to make a difference. We’re rolling out our Hazon Seal of Sustainability. We’re striving to reduce our own footprint. We’re providing resources to rabbis around the country. We’re partnering with a wide range of our fellow JOFEE organizations. And we’re working with and a wide range of our fellow JOFEE organizations to encourage the American Jewish community to celebrate, learn, go to shul, or march, on Earth Day and at the People’s Climate Mobilization.

So see below for what you can do not just in honor of Tu b’Shvat, but in support of a healthier and more sustainable world for all.



Action Items

  • Celebrate Tu b’Shvat at one of Hazon’s events:
    • Brooklyn, NY: Join Hazon and Repair the World for a Tu b’Shvat-themed Shabbat dinner with great conversation and delicious food. Sign up now!
    • Encinitas, CA: Hazon San Diego is hosting a Tu b’Shvat seder. Join us!
    • Detroit, MI: Join Hazon Detroit for Deeper Roots, Wider Branches: A Tu b’Shvat Celebration. Register now!
  • Reach out to your own elected representatives to remind them, in the name of Jewish tradition, that we must protect the environment.
  • Pick one act to live more lightly.
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