Hakhel Resources: Alliance and Unity

A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.

Inspiration. Tools. Support.

2018 Spotlight on Filmmakers Podcast

by Tawai director and subject Bruce Parry
"We train ourselves to reconnect" Bruce Parry.
How do you see the link between interconnectedness and reconnecting with the Planet? When do you feel you touch the core of your connection with yourself and with your enviroment?

The Individual and the Community

by Jonathan Dickens
For many people, joining a community can require a change of mindset. This article gives insight into the process the indiviual goes through upon joining a community as well as the process a community goes through when new members join.

Outreach and Never Giving up on Someone

by Jamie Cohen
Inclusiveness and pluralism have become cornerstone vlues of our generation, and yet they are not easy to implememnt and accomplish. This collection of texts will take on a journey to explore the meaning of boundaries, "the other" and the inner circle.
While studying the texts, try to write down and share the main characteristics of your community. whatm akes it what it is? What is its identity? After defining what your community is, ask yourselves what is not? Where do we draw the line between "inside" and "outside", and how do we treat people respectfully on both sides of the line?

Learning and Doing With Our Committees

by Gloria Becker
This sourcesheet was constructed for a specific US community, but we find it, and its questions, highly relevant to almost any community within the Hakhel network. Come learn and see for yourself
Read through the texts together, and discuss the questions within it

Communal Prayer – ????? ?????? Why I need you.

by Ben Gross
This resource looks at the power of communal togetherness form the perspective of the text of the Amida prayer.

Join the fourth Jewish Intentional Communities Conference by Rachel Aronson, Jewschool

by Rachel Aronson
The power of gathering is bigger than words. Joining the year conerence of intentional communities is not for nothing a real milestone for all participants.

Four Steps to a Stronger Community by Aharon Ariel Lavi and Meredith Levick, eJewishPhilanthropy

by Meredith Levick and Aharon Ariel Lavi
If make it simple, history tells what made communities stand strong. Read the basic conclusions fron the leaders of Hakhel.

Community and Responsibility

by Efrem Reis
Going back to this magical word ?responsibility?. What are the core beliefs behind it?

Common Denominators of The Communities I Visited

by Michael Livni
Some of our most fundamental milestones appear in this article in such a fluent way, you will want to check it out and let it sink in. A wonderful insight, you will probably start identifying examples in the world around you after you recognise this phenomena.
What is the best way to describe the atmosphere of your shared time and space? Do your fellows feel the same?

Another Kind of Leadership

by Aharon Ariel Lavi
Once you ask yourself how to turn a collective of people into a community, you will never look at a room of people in the same way again. This resource will guide you to this transformative understanding
Make a straw poll with your community members: *Do we feel like even partners? *How much do you see our day to day work as a horizontal venture? *What can add to our way of communication so mutual missions feel more inclusive? *Ask your fellows: what spices up your drive to do things for others?

An Ecology of Mind, The Gregory Bateson Documentary

by Nora Bateson
Interesting perspective which touches all aspects of our creation.