Big News: Extending the Adamah Farm & Increasing Capacity at Isabella Freedman

By Nigel Savage

Thursday, December 13, 2018 | 5 Tevet 5779

Dear All,

With strong active staff and lay involvement, and support from Project Accelerate, Hazon’s board earlier this year signed off on a new master plan for Isabella Freedman.

Isabella Freedman is a place that touches people’s lives individually and strengthens and thickens Jewish institutions. Through Adamah, Teva, the Hazon Food Conference, and our other national retreats it has had a profound impact across the American Jewish community. As Jessica Haller, one of our senior board members, says, “there are some places that do some of the things that this place does, but there are no other places that do all of the things that this place does.”

So the master plan is critical not only to Isabella Freedman and Hazon but also, in fact, to the future of the American Jewish community. Isabella Freedman is a place where magic happens – but we need to increase capacity; we need to improve the quality and range of our accommodation and meeting space; and we also need more land to be able to grow our flagship Adamah program, and to enable us to use the land itself more lightly and more carefully.

Happily, we believe that we are now on track to start to accomplish all of these goals!

The very first phase of this is to acquire additional property and land right outside Isabella Freedman. It will add new rooms to Isabella Freedman. It will add a new beautiful meeting space. It will earn money for us going forward. And it will add 31 acres to our campus – including, critically, 15 acres that are contiguous with our existing Adamah farm.

Through the generosity of board members and supporters, we now have pledges of $764,500 towards the cost of this purchase. The total cost will be c$1.3m. We have significant naming opportunities available. If you or your family would like to support us in this endeavor – if you would like to give us a gift, as large as you possibly can, please click here to do so, or be in touch directly with me at, or with Richard Slutzky, chair of our Campaign for the Future at

Huge thanks, warm best wishes, Shabbat Shalom,


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