Announcing the first-ever Conference on Jewish Intentional Communities

Announcing the first-ever Conference

on Jewish Intentional Communities


Dear All,

We’re delighted to announce that the Pearlstone Center, Hazon, and the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center are launching a Jewish Intentional Communities Initiative.

Together we share a vision that over the next 3-10 years, new Jewish intentional communities will bloom across the country—from urban kibbutzim to rural moshavim, suburban co-ops, and more—and that these dynamic and vibrant new Jewish communities will become inspiring catalysts in an ongoing renaissance in American Jewish life. To launch the initiative, we are convening a national conference on Jewish Intentional Communities at Pearlstone, November 14-17th, 2013. We anticipate participants from across the country, including people who are already members of intentional communities as well as folks who are just curious and excited by the idea. We hope to learn from and share with each other, vision together, and plant seeds for communities to come.

  • Learn about the Jewish historical and cultural roots of intentional communal living
  • Build relationships through learning, prayer, meals, and rituals
  • Learn from successful communities – urban and rural, Jewish and diverse
  • Learn tools and gain skills for your own communal application
  • Join an international network cultivating Jewish intentional community
  • Build skills in non-violent communication; ecological sustainability and community design; and community economics and finances
  • Meet with a diverse and pluralistic Jewish community
  • Celebrate community culture

After this first year’s conference at Pearlstone, next year’s event (2014) will be at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center; we plan to alternate conference locations back and forth between Pearlstone and Isabella Freedman each year. Click here to learn more and register!


Nigel Savage
Executive Director,Hazon
Jakir Manela
Executive Director, Pearlstone Center
David Weisberg
Executive Director,
Isabella Freedman,
Jewish Retreat Center
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