Learning From Solar Congregations is a great booklet from Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light that describes how 12 churches and synagogues installed solar energy systems. Starting to think about how your community will observe the upcoming Shmita (Sabbatical) Year? At Building Community and Consciousness for the Shmita Year, co-sponsored by UJA-Federation’s Wiener Center and JGF, we learned about g’machs (free loan groups), gleaning, composting, and ways to invest money that support local communities and sustainable food systems. The presentations are now online. Rabbis who offer a sermon on fossil fuel divestment and clean energy investment before May 14, 2014 can win a cash prize. Check Greenfaith’s website for sermon tips and send in the date you’re planning to preach to get a free copy of Moral Ground, a collection of writings on religion and the earth. 596 Acres will bring a Community Land Access Workshop to your community to teach you about NYC’s land use practices and mapping tools you can use to identify unused parcels that can be turned into community gardens. Climate Access will help you find just the right way to talk about climate change in your community.