Because the shabbat before tisha b’av is known as Shabbat Hazon, I’m often especially aware of this time of year.

Because the shabbat before tisha b’av is known as Shabbat Hazon, I’m often especially aware of this time of year.
Friday July 28th 2006 / 3 Av 5766 Dear All, This Shabbat is Shabbat Hazon, which you would think would be the sort of time I ought to write something to our list. But then one recalls that Shabbat Hazon is not about “hazon” – vision – in a positive and inspirational sense (which is largely why Hazon is called Hazon) but rather about a prophecy of destruction and despoliation, especially in Israel. And then I think: well, perhaps I should indeed write something… (more…)