Tag Archives | Jewish Federation

Time to Write a Check to Federation

New York November 9, 2011 / 12 Cheshvan 6772 The period from the end of the Jewish holidays (i.e. now) till the end of December (the end of the tax year) is peak season for non-profits raising money. That’s no less true for Hazon than anyone else: we’re doing important work on a relatively shoe-string budget, and we need your help. Despite that, this email isn’t a request to write us a check: it’s a request that you write one to your local Jewish Federation. That’s especially true if either A. you’ve never written a check to Federation before or B. it’s a few years since you last did so and you got out of the habit. In this email, I want to say why I think this is important, and I especially want to address critiques that are made of the system in relation both to Israel and to issues of diversity, democracy, and inclusion. (more…)

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Greening Seminar: Bringing Fresh and Local Food to Your Community

For professionals or lay leaders who are involved in agency or synagogue gardening, CSAs or greenmarkets or who would like to begin programs of this nature. Also relevant for food service providers or nutritionists who buy or provide food for their agencies. Your organization or synagogue can begin to prepare for next summer NOW. Come learn from experts about how to create a number of different kinds of food programs that address climate change, build community and local economy, and help people eat more healthfully. Specifically you’ll hear about community-supported agriculture programs (CSAs), farmer’s markets, and gardening that provide opportunities for education, growing food, and engagement of people of all ages. And, as always, you’ll meet in small groups to learn more from the presenters and each other. (more…)

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