GZA and COEJL to host a free webinar about the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban

GZA and COEJL to host a free webinar about the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban
Lunch and Learn with Alon Tal, Israel’s leading environmentalist, and a founder and co-chair of Israel’s new green party. Thursday, January 19, 2012, 12:30 PM – 1:45 PM Hazon San Francisco Office 332 Pine St, Suite 600 (6th Floor) FREE (more…)
The Prospects and Promise of Green Politics a program of Hazon’s friends. Further reading: Read Green Prophet’s interview with Alon Tal
David Krantz is President and Chairperson of the Green Zionist Alliance September 21, 2010 On Sukkot, we are all immigrants, dwelling in temporary lodging in the desert on our way to the Promised Land. We leave the safety of our homes and go to dwell outside, to connect with God and begin our spiritual journey to Israel. For most of us, this experience lasts only for a week. But for the thousands who make aliyah annually to the modern State of Israel, the immigration experience is year round. Instead of temporary sukkot, they live in absorption centers where they learn how to be Israeli. They’re taught to care about the land of Israel. And soon, thanks to the work of the Green Zionist Alliance (GZA), they will be taught that caring about the land means caring for the land. That’s because the GZA this June passed legislation in Israel that will lead to all absorption centers in Israel developing community gardens for new immigrants to use and connect to the land. Environmental education will be incorporated into the immigrant experience at all absorption centers in Israel. That’s from one piece of GZA legislation. And that’s just the beginning. With […]
By David Krantz NEW YORK (Dec. 6, 2010) 42 people dead. 250 homes ravaged. 12,300 acres razed. 5 million trees burned. In the aftermath of the worst natural disaster in Israeli history, we are left wondering how we can help Israel recover after the fire. Fortunately, many organizations are taking quick action, and there are many ways that you can help. Donations to any of these organizations will help fire-relief efforts. (more…)