Hazon Launches Makom Hadash

We are pleased to announce that this week we signed a lease to create Makom Hadash, a shared office space and communal resource center for second-stage Jewish nonprofit organizations. This new multi-tenant nonprofit center will enable member nonprofits to focus more on their missions, develop more sophisticated organizational infrastructure, and collaborate more effectively together. The goals of Makom Hadash are to strengthen the capacity of innovative Jewish nonprofits, especially at the second stage of growth, to facilitate collaboration and creativity amongst both resident and non-resident organizations, and to reduce operating costs for individual participating nonprofits. We’re tremendously excited about this project becoming a reality.

In brief

  • Makom Hadash is a new multi-tenant nonprofit center in NYC
  • Hazon is seeking second stage Jewish nonprofits as tenants
  • Hazon is hiring for the position of Makom Hadash Coordinator

Located at 125 Maiden Lane in lower Manhattan, Makom Hadash will be in 5,000 square feet of high quality office space, which is being leased at a subsidized rate by The Forward Association, publisher of The Forward. The space requires minor renovations and will be available for full occupancy in September. Monthly resident rent will cover utilities and other costs associated with the space, as well as staff training and organizational development programs.

Through the generous support of Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation, UJA-Federation of New York, The Natan Fund, the Schwarz Family Foundation/Jeffrey and Wendy Schwarz and other donors, Makom Hadash will offer high quality space and organizational capacity building at affordable prices to Jewish nonprofit organizations headquartered in New York City.

More information can be found at www.makomhadash.org. A full-time coordinator is being hired to manage all aspects of Makom Hadash’s operations, and details on that position are also at www.makomhadash.org.

Kol Tuv,

Nigel Savage

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