Hakhel Resources: Soft Skills and Heart-work
A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.
Inspiration. Tools. Support.
Honoring the Conversation: Turning a Neighborhood into a Community in Intown Atlanta
by Stephen Wing
Is a true story, believe it or not. People can really change reality by voicing ideas in a heartful way. You can do it too.
Tell yourself about a conflict you experienced in the past. Write down some ideas you could have used for a better outcome. Share with other members and ask for feedback.
Section: Care for Community, Work with People
Compassion and the true meaning of Empathy
by Joan Halifax
One of the strongest tools ever is compassion. Watch this powerful talk, it is more than worth you time.
Section: Work with People
How to get from diversity to inclusion
by Dolly Chugh
Dolly Chugh shares with us a useful perspective regarding warming up the room for the sake of better team working.
Section: Work with People
Soulful Organisations
by Frederic Laloux
Frederic Laloux offers a stunning point of view. It is actually so basic and makes so much sense, that we have to ask ourselves how came this isn't the norm everywhere.
Section: Work Towards a Mission
Happiness and a Broken Heart
by Aharon Ariel Lavi
The human heart is an inspiring thing. Some insights from Rabbi Nachman of Breslov exploring what makes the human condition so unique.
Section: Connect via Judaism
Reinventing Organizations
by Frederic Laloux
"Something old is dieing and something new might be emerging" says Frederic Laloux. Soulless organzations are the enemy of all our dreams. Do we pay enough attention to what needs to move on, and what must emerge in our community and society?
Watch this together and open a public conversation around it. Remember the more personal it get's the better.
Section: Care for Community
Words of Experience: Starting a Community
by Kim Scheidt
Either you are a beginner or an expert, this is a good article to refresh your mind with.
Section: Care for Community
Tags: Activities Bank & Year Program, Alliance and Unity, Communal Life, Community Resilience, Decision Making and Management, Democracy - Sociocracy, Intentional Community, Leadership, Newcomers & Community Assembly, Rituals and Celebrations, Soft Skills and Heart-work, Teamwork, Vision, Volunteers
Five Tools to Help Groups Thrive
by Melanie Rios
How difficult it is to run a community is no a secret. Useful obsevation of the common challenges will spare some conflicts.
Section: Care for Community