Hakhel Resources: Communal Life

A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.

Inspiration. Tools. Support.

Life Lessons for Community Longevity

by Graham Ellis
So many of the points here are familiar to us all! The wisdom of an expirienced leader can help others avoid some crucial mistakes. Take some time for reading it.
This must-read is not an easy one. Turn it into a public discussion: Divide chapters between members and ask them to read it in a community gathering and lead a talk around the text. Worth the effort!

Learning from Our Past

by Bill Metcalf
What do you think are the core components of intentional community? This is a sharp summary of insights that can give you a useful perspective.

Jewish cohousing: a vision of intentional neighborhood

by Roger Studley, Sh?ma
Get the glimps of the magical effect communty life, in a cohousing format, has on one's wellbeing.

Innisfree Village: Lifesharing in a Service Community

by Nancy Chappell
The wider range of intentional life and community life appears in this beautiful story

Grassroots Activism Starts at Home

by Dan Hines
Where is your personal mission touching the communal mission? It's all about crystalizing it. This is a beautiful perspective to take with you.

Five Tools to Help Groups Thrive

by Melanie Rios
How difficult it is to run a community is no a secret. Useful obsevation of the common challenges will spare some conflicts.

Back to the City!

by GPaul Blundell
Urban life opens the chance for an inspiring change within the communiyu and in society in general.

Calls for More Cooperative Housing

by Michelle Bruch, Southwest Journal
Read how to make intentional communities rise up in the urban setting. This is a nice step!