Hazon Educational Library: Social Justice

Intro to Privilege and Oppression

by Cole Siegel
Isabella Freedman
This program will provide a basic understanding of concepts such as privilege, oppression, power, socialization and identities. It will provide definitions and explanations of concepts so that participants will be able to have a shared language.

Judaism and Immigration Justice – What the Book of Ruth has to Teach

by Liana Rothman
Isabella Freedman
This program will be a poetry workshop preparing teens or adults for Tikkun Leil Shavuot (all night studying) through an immersive and meaningful poetry workshop.

CIT Teen Leadership Institute Spring Retreat

by Maddy Winard
Urban Adamah
This Urban Adamah CIT leadership retreat is meant to connect CITs for summer camp to the farm, build and foster community, strengthen their connection to earth-based Judaism, and provide deeper leadership training.

Inclusivity: an Exploratory Conversation for JOFEE Organizations

by Sofia Marbach
Wilderness Torah
Although most JOFEE (Jewish Outdoor, Food, Farm, and Environmental Education) organizations weren't born of a mission to tackle them head on, we encounter questions of social justice in our work every day. While our programs may be boiled down into descriptors like ?outdoor education,? ?pickling workshop,? or ?holiday retreat,? JOFEE organizations exist within a broader world of Judaism, human socialization, and all their globalized complexities.