Hakhel Resources: Harmony with Nature & Jewish Ecology

A unique resource library for Jewish Intentional Communities.

Inspiration. Tools. Support.

Hazon-Seal presentation JICC 2018

Sustainability as a core value demands rising awarness constantly. Here is a useful set for a community discussion. Method, Presentation and practical guideline for a fruitful process.

To Cultivate and to Preserve

by Aharon Ariel Lavi
A remarkable gem of wisdom about the infinite balance between nature and humanity.
Choose the piece you feel more aligned with and try to tell the story of your community with it. What is the vision of your community in this context?

Shmittah Unplugged

by Aharon Ariel Lavi
This sourcesheet is divided into chapters. You can either study them one after the other or go straight to the issues that are most interesting for you.

The Cohens: Intentional Community Builders

by Daniel Spiro, Spiritual Fringe blog
Living your passion is not just beautiful, it is powerful as well. This story shows how much power you can gain of insisting on an accurate connection between core faith and the implementaion format of your belief.

Egypt and Technology

by Aharon Ariel Lavi
In our hyper-technological society, the mere connection between humaniy and nature becoms a question. Jewish sources can inspire our exploration in that direction
Do a go around and share the most natural experience you evenr had, and the most artificial one. To what extent did each one inspire or energize you? What do miss and gain when connecting with nature? What do we miss and gain when moving away from it towards technological lives?

2018 Spotlight on Filmmakers Podcast

by Tawai director and subject Bruce Parry
"We train ourselves to reconnect" Bruce Parry.
How do you see the link between interconnectedness and reconnecting with the Planet? When do you feel you touch the core of your connection with yourself and with your enviroment?

Intentional communities: back to the land

by Talia Lavin , The Forward
Small-Big steps create a whole new meaning is life. This portrait helps you look deeper to what external setting can create within.

Makom?s Hashomer Hatzair Community in Beer Sheva

What do children want? They want to sense, to engage, to learn by doing. Here is an inventive idea.
Ask your team: How much are you afraid of messy stuff? How much do you allow it in your program?