Educational Resource Library
Min Ha’Aretz: Making Meaning from Our Food

This curriculum allows students from grades 5-9 to explore the question, what is the relationship between Jewish texts, traditions, and practices and the food we eat? More specifically, how does Judaism relate to all the processes and choices involved in how we grow, harvest, prepare, and eat our food, as well as manage our waste? At the beginning of Min Ha’aretz, students encounter the driving question of this curriculum: what is the relationship between Jewish tradition and food? Over the course of twelve lessons, divided into five units, the students explore this question and develop a deeper understanding of both the question and its myriad answers.
Special Features of Min Ha’aretz:
–Journaling: Students are invited to reflect on each lesson and respond through creative writing, drawing, or other forms of personal expression. The writing prompts encourage students to discover the connections between the content of the class and the reality of their own lives.
–Activities: Unique activities give students direct experiences that bring lessons home. Free resources, including recipes, videos, and much more, are available here.
–Framing the Text: Min Ha’aretz features Jewish texts for students to delve into, and connect to contemporary issues and food choices.
Min Ha’aretz is available in two parts: the Student Journal and the Lesson Plan Manual.
To Grow
1 Planting Seeds
2 Caring for the Land
To Harvest
3 Our Daily Bread
4 Jewish Food around the World
5 Food Miles
To Raise Animals
6 Animals and Us
7 Kashrut
To Eat
8 Blessing the Meal
9 Sharing Food
To Sustain
10 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Caring for Our Bodies
12 Moderation
Bringing It All Together
We intend that Min Ha’Aretz will:
- Promote awareness of contemporary food issues that is infused with Jewish values and traditions, integrating both secular and Jewish curricula;
- Increase the knowledge that students, families, and teachers have about healthy eating and create a Jewish framework for food choices;
- Increase parents’ involvement in their children’s education and promote joint parent-child and family educational opportunities;
- Create opportunities for the entire community–students, parents, teachers, administrators, rabbis, program directors, and others–to manifest their own Jewish, health, and environmental values and priorities by taking action around the ideas they learn.
For students, Min Ha’Aretz demonstrates how vitally relevant Jewish tradition is today and builds understanding of where our food comes from. Min Ha’Aretz strengthens students’ Jewish identity by linking something they do every day eating with Jewish tradition and values. For families, this approach sparks conversations about food, Jewish tradition, and the world around us. Min Ha’Aretz strengthens Jewish life by bringing Jewish texts and values into the food choices families and students make everyday. For schools, synagogues, and other Jewish organizations, Min Ha’Aretz offers an innovative way to engage students and families. Min Ha’Aretz taps into community interest in food and the environment and stimulates community “greening” efforts.
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