Hazon Educational Library: tisha b'av
An Alternative Tisha B’Av Experience – King Solomon and the Bee
by Elizabeth Kaplan
JCC of Greater Boston Discovery Club
This program offers an alternative to a traditional Tisha B?Av program (where participants typically learn about the destruction of the first and second temples). In this program, the instructor uses an age-appropriate book as a jumping off point to teach about an important Jewish figure who was responsible for the construction of the first temple. Hands-on activities then explore the themes in the book and allow participants to discover JOFEE connections and take-aways.
Age(s): Elementary
Rosh Chodesh Av: Devastation and Redemption – Rosh Chodesh Women’s gathering for the month of Av
by Sarah Rovin
Pearlstone Center
The month of Av is steeped in rich agricultural, spiritual, and feminine energy. Often the month is not explored beyond the holiday of Tisha B'av, the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. However, Av represents the importance of reflection, mourning, redemption and love as well as a key moment in the Jewish agricultural calendar, the beginning of the grape harvest. This program aims to connect stories, texts, and symbols to bring together a full understanding of Av.
Category: Ritual-Making, Shabbat and Holidays
Age(s): Adults, Young Adult