Educational Resource Library
Food for Thought

Hazon’s Sourcebook on Jews, Food & Contemporary Life
Purchase a copy of Food for Thought Download a copy of Food for ThoughtWritten by Nigel Savage and Anna Hanau, Food for Thought is designed to encourage participants to think critically about the food that they eat and the ways their food choices affect the health of their community and the planet. Food for Thought is is a 130-page sourcebook that draws on a range of texts from within and beyond Jewish traditions to explore a range of topics relating to Jews and food.
Food For Thought includes traditional Jewish texts, in Hebrew and English, and a range of contemporary Jewish and non-Jewish texts. It is designed to be accessible to people with little Jewish background as well as rigorous and challenging for someone with more extensive Jewish learning.
Food For Thought includes:
- A blend of traditional and non-traditional Jewish and secular texts to raise questions around food, eating and Jewish tradition in an innovative and provocative way
- Study questions that help the reader engage with the texts and discussion questions prompt participants to bring the texts back to their own lives and experience.
- An appendix includes guidelines on cultivating a learning community; including leading chevruta-style learning and running sharing circles that encourages reflection and builds community
- A resource section of movies and books
Food For Thought can be used in a myriad of ways, across all types of educational settings. Use your copy at:
- Shabbat dinner
- Adult education classes
- Weekend retreats
- Gathering of friends and family
Chapter 1: Learning Torah
Chapter 2: Gratitude, Mindfulness & Blessing Our Food – Download!
Chapter 3: Kashrut
Chapter 4: Bread & Civilization
Chatper 5: Eating Together
Chapter 6: Health, Bodies & Nourishment
Chapter 7: Food & Place – Download!
Chapter 8: Food & Ethics: The Implications of our Food Choices – Download!
Download a 33-page sample of Food for Thought Chapters 2 and 8
You can purchase the complete Food for Thought Sourebook ($25) at the Hazon Education Store
Food For Thought is used during all of Hazon’s year-round programming, including at our New York Ride, the Food Conference and through all of our Hazon CSA sites for educational programs.
We believe that the more people are able to understand their own relationship to food, and simultaneously, to Jewish tradition, the more they will engage in broader issues of moderation and conservation.
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