Kosher Organic Wines

Organic wine can be hard to find, but there is more and more of it available on the shelves. Additionally, many wines from Europe are completely or almost completely organic, even if they’re not certified. Ask your sommelier! Kosher Organic wine is even more difficult to find – but it does exist! Here are several wineries that make kosher organic wine if you know of others please let us know.

Four Gates Winery – California-based, Organic, Kosher and Kosher for Pesach, not Mevushal, several varieties

Yarden Chardonnay Odem Organic – Israel-based, Organic, Kosher, Kosher for Pesach, not Mevushal

Hafner Queen Esther Wines – Austria-based, bottled under the name “Queen Esther,” Organically-grown grapes, Kosher for Pesach, Mevushal, several varieites are available online for purchase.

Hagafen CellarsCalifornia based, Not certified organic, but are certified for environmentally beneficial practices and habitat restoration. Founded in 1979, it was the first kosher California. Available online for purchase.

Baron Herzog – California based, Not certified organic, but many of Baron Herzog’s wines come from “sustainably grown/low spray” grapes. Mevushal and many varieties. Available online for purchase.

A note on the term Mevushal – The laws of kashrut specify that a wine cannot be considered kosher if it is used by an idolatrous use or touched by an idolater. Wine is considered mevushal, “boiled wine,” if it is treated to be made unfit for use by other religious cults. The concept of mevushal is derived from ancient custom and is still followed by many.