Commit to the Brit Hazon:
Experiment with a
Plant-Rich Diet
Below are our suggestions to reduce your consumption of animal products over the next six weeks. Choose 1-3 actions to get started and check out tip sheet for help along the way.
+ One Meal a Day
Commit to having one meal a day, every day, that’s free of animal products (meat, dairy, and eggs). It’s up to you if you want to make it the same meal, say breakfast, for all six weeks or switch it up.
+ Swap It
Swap out one animal-based product that’s a regular in your diet and replace it with a plant-based alternative for six weeks. Experiment with beef or poultry substitutes, or explore replacements for eggs or dairy products like milk, mayonnaise, butter, or ice cream.
+ Cut It in Half
Pick three of your favorite high-rotation meat-based meals/recipes and learn how to cut the meat in half through reduction and substitution. For example, if your chili or lasagna usually calls for 1 lb of ground beef, use 0.5 lb of meat and replace the rest with a plant-based meat, beans, or veggies.
+ Meatless Monday
Or, Tuesday or Wednesday… Pick one day a week on which you will eat no meat, dairy, or eggs. We recommend selecting one day and sticking with that same day for all six weeks, but you may switch up the day if that works better for you.
+ In or Out
Choose to eat no animal products in your home for six weeks. Or, the reverse, choose to eat no animal products when you’re outside the home. Or do one for three weeks and then the other. Each option provides its own unique challenges and opportunities.
+ Regenerate
Swap out one (or more) industrial meat, dairy, or egg product you regularly buy for products that were created using regenerative agriculture, a system of farming practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and captures carbon in the soil.
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