Commit to the Brit Hazon:
Get Growing/Buy Local
Below are our suggestions to get growing and buy local over the next six weeks. Choose one to three actions to get started and check out this tip sheet for help along the way.
+ Plant a Vegetable Garden
Growing your own vegetables is not only a great way to cut the carbon footprint of your plate, it is also a great way to create a carbon sink in your own yard and slow the detrimental effects of climate change. Start your own garden, even a window sill or container garden, in the next six weeks. Or, if it’s off season, lay the groundwork to start one when it is growing season.
+ Shop at Your Local Farmer’s Market
Shopping at your local farmers markets is a great way to support local growers and suppliers. You can get a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, and baked goods, all that have traveled fewer miles than those in your mainstream grocery store. In the next six weeks, identify at least one market in your area and patronize it at least three times.
+ Join a CSA
In the next six weeks, sign up for a community-supported agriculture program. By joining a CSA, you prepay for a season’s worth of produce, reduce the overall impact of your food supply, support the carbon sequestration benefits of local farming practices, and help local farmers have guaranteed income to continue their climate-saving work.
+ Replant Your Scraps
Usually our kitchen scraps are destined for the trash bin or compost pile. But many vegetables can actually give us a second harvest with just a little tender loving care. Romaine hearts, celery, ginger, basil, onion, and carrots can all be regrown! Pick at least two veggie scraps in the next six weeks and regrow them.
+ Plant a Pollinator Garden
Bees and other pollinators provide the magic behind every garden. Without these little workers we wouldn’t have the flowers, fruits, and vegetables that rely on their pollination. Yet, their lives are endangered. By planting an organic pollinator garden in the next six weeks you can provide an immediate, safe, and reliable source of food for these incredible creatures.
+ Shorten Your Supply Chain
Often our food, clothes, and household items travel thousands of miles to reach our doors, but it doesn’t have to be that way. At least once a week for the next six weeks, look at one type of thing you’re buying, see where each of the options come from, and choose the one that traveled the least distance.
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