Valerie Gerstein is a dedicated Jewish lay leader. Valerie is a member of the National Young Leadership Cabinet. Since graduating from New York University, she has dedicated her volunteer efforts to UJA-Federation of New York including COJIR’s (Commission on Jewish Identity and Renewal) Youth and Young Adults and Beginning Jewish Families Task Forces where she was the liaison to Hazon for the Setting the Table program in its inaugural year in 2011. In addition to past leadership roles at the JCC in Manhattan and other Jewish organizations, Valerie is on the NYU Bronfman Center (Hillel) Alumni and Global Strategy Teams as well as the John Jay College Hillel Advisory Board and Camp Ramah in Nyack Advisory Board. Dedicated to remembering the past and protecting the world for our children’s future, Valerie is committed at the Abraham Joshua Heschel School through the Holocaust Commemoration Committee and the adult choir she founded, the Heschel Notes.
Valerie headed the strategic marketing department of Aveda Online, an Estée Lauder company. She served as the brand ambassador to Evelyn Lauder’s Breast Cancer Research Foundation awareness campaign.
Valerie and Mark’s daughters are growing up learning to be activists and live on New York City’s Upper West Side.
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